
With President Trump just finishing his visit to China, questions abound regarding what the United States is doing with legislation and legal investigations related to China. Join us for a briefing on November 29 from 8:00 to 9:30 AM at AmCham Shanghai by former Assistant US Trade Representative for China Affairs Claire Reade on the current atmosphere in Washington regarding China, in the Trump Administration and on Capitol Hill.

The Trump Administration has many high-profile China trade investigations underway, including a Section 301 investigation focused on IP theft and coerced technology transfers by US companies to Chinese counterparts. In addition, China is now suing the United States in the WTO over the US decision to declare that China is not a market economy, and therefore is still subject to special rules in antidumping investigations that can lead to high duties on Chinese imports into the United States. On Capitol Hill, Senator Cornyn just introduced a major bill with bipartisan support that stiffens CFIUS rules regarding the screening of foreign investment for national security concerns. The bill would expand US government scrutiny of new forms of business investment by foreigners, including joint ventures and minority shares, and it is squarely focused on China.

Ms. Reade is currently a Senior Associate at CSIS and Senior Counsel at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer. Looking forward into 2018, she will review the latest developments in Trump China policy, including the direction of USTR and Commerce Department investigations, like Section 301, the safeguard actions under way to block certain imports, and the national security investigations of steel and aluminum imports. She will also discuss the new CFIUS related legislation and provide an early assessment of its prospects.

This event is off-the-record and seating will be limited. Pastries and Coffee will be served.


8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Briefing by Claire Reade
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Q&A and Discussion


  • Claire Reade (Senior Associate, Freeman Chair in China Studies at Center for Strategic and International Studies)

    Claire Reade

    Senior Associate, Freeman Chair in China Studies at Center for Strategic and International Studies

    Claire Reade is a Senior Associate, Freeman Chair in China Studies, at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. She also is Senior Counsel at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer, in Washington, D.C., where she provides clients with strategic counsel and assistance with major regulatory and governmental issues in the international trade and investment arena, under both US and international law.

    In addition to her three decades of legal experience in the private sector, Ms. Reade also served in government at the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), where she was the Assistant US Trade Representative for China Affairs (2010-2014) and Chief Counsel for China Trade Enforcement (2006-2010). As Assistant US Trade Representative for China Affairs, Ms. Reade was responsible for managing US trade negotiations with China, developing core strategies, coordinating US interagency efforts, and leading successful efforts to eliminate key trade barriers. In her role as Chief Counsel for China Trade Enforcement, she was responsible for coordinating USTR efforts to ensure that China met its international trade obligations to the US, playing a leading role in nine WTO disputes.

    Ms. Reade is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and has frequently served as an outside lecturer, including at the Foreign Service Institute, National War College, and Washington area universities. She is a graduate of Harvard Law School and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

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