
WeChat is a major communication channel for most businesses in China, but with the growing presence of brands on the app, competition for the Chinese consumer’s attention is ever increasing. New features are being added regularly and new opportunities are arising, yet WeChat has become a struggle for executives and marketers to understand and keep up with. The business possibilities of Wechat has become limitless in Sales, Marketing and Operations.

This in-depth session on China’s super app will provide you with a global and local framework to successfully tackle the following challenges for your business :

- Can WeChat be an efficient channel to build brand awareness for your products and services, and attract consumers who know nothing about your brand?
- Where is WeChat most effective in your buyer journey and sales funnel?
- How to build the best brand experience for your followers and make their WeChat journey as personal as possible?
- What are the key strategies to show a positive ROI on WeChat initiatives?

Seating will be limited, so please RSVP. It’s a session you won’t want to miss.


11:30 AM - 12:05 PM
Networking and Registration
12:05 PM - 1:10 PM
WeChat Presentation and Workshop
1:10 PM - 1:30 PM
Q&A and Discussion
1:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Wrap-up and Networking


  • Joseph Leveque (Managing Partner at 31Ten)

    Joseph Leveque

    Managing Partner at 31Ten

    Joseph is the co-founder of 31Ten, a future forward digital agency focused on China’s fast moving digital ecosystem and consumers. He has combined his experience as a corporate strategy consultant for fortune 500 companies with his passion for digital and entrepreneurship. 10 years on the field, he now helps businesses to grow and scale on the Chinese market through digital transformation, by constantly exploring the latest opportunities, tools, and frameworks emerging technologies can offer. He is on that never-ending learning road of making sense of the latest developments happening in China, and understanding how to put them to business use. WeChat is currently a big area of focus, as he is 100% convinced it is a fantastic channel to build consumer value.

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