
AmCham Shanghai Nanjing Center invites you to join us for an evening mixer at Element Fresh in Xinjiekou with the Western business community. During the session, Nick Moritz, founder of Wolfpack Response will provide an his view of entrepenuership in China.

Startups crave marquee customers. Established firms thirst for inspiration. While we do see more and more established firms reaching out to the crowd and startups, there remains a deep gulf preventing these entities from feeding off of each other. What can startups do to “grow up” enough to speak the same language as their target clients, and how can bigger firms “loosen up” enough to let their next big breakthrough walk right in the front door (or the back)? Join Wolfpack Response founder Nick Moritz as he facilitates a truly interactive, engaging and audience-wide discussion on approaches we could develop to facilitate “BigCo./LittleStartup” interactions that provide lasting, fundamental value for both.

AustCham Shanghai is a partner of this event.

About the AmCham Shanghai Nanjing Center
The Nanjing Center launched on March 16, 2016 and is the official representative of U.S. business in Nanjing. The Nanjing Center gathers people & resources, develops trade & investment between Nanjing and the U.S., and promotes the business interest of U.S. companies.


7:15 PM - 7:30 PM
7:30 PM - 8:15 PM
Talk & Discussion
8:15 PM - 9:00 PM


  • Nick MORITZ (Founder of Wolfpack Response, Ltd. (上海狼群信息技术有限公司))

    Nick MORITZ

    Founder of Wolfpack Response, Ltd. (上海狼群信息技术有限公司)

    Nick Moritz is an active member of AmCham and has been living and working in Shanghai since 2012. He is a proud graduate of Michigan State University with a BA in Communication, and is the founder of Wolfpack Response (上海狼群信息技术有限公司) a company dedicated to technology enabling live, face-to-face interactive discussions.

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Member ticket
Member Price (Pay at the door) RMB 60
Non-Member Price
Door Price RMB 80