What you will learn

  • SIY teaches emotional intelligence skills that lead to sustained peak performance, strong collaboration and effective leadership.
  • Learn mindfulness and attention training to increase your self-awareness, which can be applied to a wide variety of situations to respond thoughtfully, rather than react defensively.
  • Develop your empathy to communicate more effectively.
  • Increase your resilience and bounce back from setbacks with a growth-oriented mindset. 
  • Create head space to unleash creativity and innovative thinking.
  • Putting all of these traits into practice creates a positive emotional and mental state which is the foundation of strong and inspiring leadership presence.
  • Over two days in person and four weeks of virtual follow-up, the SIY program is focused on equipping you with a set of practical skills to take back to your workplace and apply immediately.


08:45 Registration & Networking
09:00 Morning Session
10:30 Morning Session Coffee Break
10:45 Morning Session
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Afternoon Session
15:30 Afternoon Session Coffee Break
15:45 Afternoon Session
17:00 Session Ends

*Lunch not included

Please note that lunch is not included. Enough time will be allocated during lunch break for attendees to have lunch in nearby restaurants of their choice. 

Session Outline

Day 1 (AM)
  • Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence and Self Awareness
  • Introduction
  • Mindfulness
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Self-awareness

Day 1 (PM)
  • Self Regulation and Motivation
  • Emotional Regulation 
  • Self Regulation
  • Understanding Triggers
  • Alignment

Day 2 (AM)
  • Motivation and Empathy
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Resilience
  • Developing Trust
  • Political Awareness

Day 2 (PM)
  • Emphathy and Social Skills
  • Leading with Compassion
  • Communicating with Insight
  • Neuroscience of Compassion
  • Team Building Model
  • Difficult Conversations
Who should attend?
  • Senior leaders that seek to improve influence and effectiveness
  • Executives that seek to heighten individual and team’s focus to enable clearer decision making skills
  • Human resource decision makers that seek to cultivate a sense of happiness and unified meaning that permeates the workplace 


  • Rich Fernandez

    Rich Fernandez

    Before becoming CEO of SIYLI, Rich was the director of executive education and people development at Google, where he was also one of the first SIY teachers. Rich previously founded Wisdom Labs and has also served in senior roles at eBay, J.P. Morgan Chase and Bank of America. He received his PhD in Psychology from Columbia University and is a frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review.

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  • Peter Bonanno

    Peter Bonanno

    Peter Bonanno is Director of Program Development at SIYLI–designing, teaching, and researching its transformative curriculum.
    Peter has taught SIY and customized mindfulness-based programs for business, healthcare, education, and government organizations around the world. His teaching style shows a deep curiosity about how the mind works, and creativity in making learning easy.
    Prior to SIY, Peter helped start several organizations in the field of learning & development. His passion for education has taken many forms, from training leaders to succeed in the US’s toughest schools, to educating policymakers about decision economics, to writing 200+ pages of unique mindfulness based content for meditation apps.
    Contemplative practice entered Peter’s life as a teenager, when he found joy and peace in the martial art and slow moving meditation practice of Tai Chi. This practice led him to study meditation traditions from around the world, particularly Zen.
    Peter holds a Bachelor of Arts from Dartmouth College and a Master’s in Education from Harvard University. He enjoys writing, learning languages, and trail running.

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SIY program in English was conducted in China for the first time in December 2016 in Shanghai. There were 80 attendees from companies and associations such as PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), YUM!, Dow, National Football League (NFL), Harley-Davidson, American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai, Shanghai American School, China Business News Daily, Jiemian Media and Didi Chuxing.  
I would encourage any executive that is in a leadership role to consider enrolling in Search Inside Yourself as the benefits are truly transformational. Search Inside Yourself allowed me to harness the juncture between the 3 disciplines of Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness and Neuroscience. The practitioners are truly world class and they guided us through some life learning exercises that I still continue to practice to this date. Given my impactful experience, I look forward to being as much as a community member of Search Inside Yourself in China. 
Alex Font, 2017-2018 President, Shanghai Chapter of Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO)
As an educator, I am always on the look-out for tools and techniques to help equip our students to be more successful. I especially liked the way Search Inside Yourself  blended mindfulness with emotional intelligence training to help us not just learn a new skills but also to become better at observing ourselves. It also provided a wonderful pause in our busy schedules—something we all need.
Lastly, the workshop leaders were down to earth, sharing their own stories and realizations which enabled them to develop an authentic connection with the audience.
Shaun McElroy , Counselor, Shanghai American School (SAS), Puxi 


A prepayment is required when choosing 'Members only price' or 'Standard Price'.

Stadard Ticket
Standard Price RMB 8,000


  • All registrations shall be made online before the session. For full-day sessions, payment also shall be made before the session.
  • For half-day sessions, AmCham Shanghai members are eligible to attend free of charge with Training Credit*; AmCham Shanghai members without Training Credit are eligible to attend at “Member Rate”; Employees who work at AmCham Shanghai member companies are eligible to attend at "Employee Rate".
  • For full-day sessions, AmCham Shanghai members are eligible to attend at “Member Rate”; Employees who work at AmCham Shanghai member companies are eligible to attend at “Employee Rate”; Non-members are eligible to attend at “Non-Member Rate”.
  • Limited spaces are available and attendance will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Members please bring your membership card and non-members bring your business card upon check-in at the training session.
Walk-in and Cancellation Policy
  • This session requires confirmation of attendance in advance. If you attend this session without prior registration, you will be charged an RMB50 "walk-in" fee as member and RMB100 as employee.
  • Cancellation: If you need to cancel your registration for a half-day session, please notify Ivette Corominas at (86 21) 6279 7119 ext. 5671 or email ivette.corominas@amcham-shanghai.org no less than 24 hours in advance. If you need to cancel your registration for a full-day session, please notify Ivette Corominas at least two weeks prior to the session for a full refund. Cancellation made within two weeks before the session will not be refundable.
  • To ensure that you have a seat, please come to the session on time. Open seats will be released to other guests 15 minutes after the session starts.


The Living Room by Octave

No. 357 West Jianguo Road, Xuhui, Shanghai
Shanghai, China

If you have any questions please contact Ivette Corominas

Contact Organizer

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