
The AmCham Shanghai Nanjing Center would like to invite you to our monthly invitation only Chairman's Breakfast on Wednesday, September 6 from 7:30-9:00, Room 3601,36 Floor, Sunny World (#188 Lushan Road, Jianye District) for a discussion on Automotive Industry as well as the New Energy Vehicle development in China from an Asian automotive industry expert's point of view.

We are honored to have Yale Zhang, Managing Director of Automotive Foresight to share his insight to the industry and current business perspective.The speaker will join us via a live, private webcast. The session will be highly facilitated to ensure maximum interaction between the guest speaker and the audience at the venue.

About Chairman's Breakfast
The breakfast series aims to provide a private environment for those invited to meet other executives resident in Nanjing and discuss common issues and interests, all before the busy workday begins. Invitees consist of individuals from the U.S., representatives of U.S. companies, and those affiliated and interested in investment into the U.S. Seating is restricted to the first 20 who register.

About the AmCham Shanghai Nanjing Center
The Nanjing Center launched on March 16, 2016 and is the official representative of U.S. business in Nanjing. The Nanjing Center gathers people & resources, develops trade & investment between Nanjing and the U.S., and promotes the business interest of U.S. companies.


南京中心的“高层早餐会”旨在为被邀请到南京及其他高管的人士提供一个私人环境,并在繁忙的工作日开始之前讨论共同的问题和兴趣。 受邀者包括来自美国的个人,美国公司的代表以及对美国投资的附属和有兴趣的人士。座位仅限于前20名注册人。



7:30 AM - 8:00 AM
Registration & Networking
8:00 AM - 8:40 AM
8:40 AM - 9:00 AM
Q & A


  • Yale Zhang (Managing Director of Automotive Foresight (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.)

    Yale Zhang

    Managing Director of Automotive Foresight (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.

    Yale Zhang is the founder of AutoForesight. He has more than 18 years China automotive industry and market research experience.
    Prior to AutoForesight, Mr. Zhang was the Managing Director of a Detroit based global auto industry forecasting firm (CSM Worldwide) for 7 years, in charge of company operation, Greater China light vehicle forecasting, OEM strategy research & consulting. He was also the Director of Automotive Consulting business in Asia Pacific area for the combined operations of IHS/CSM in 2010.
    Prior to joining the Detroit forecasting firm, he has worked as research chief for Automotive Resources Asia, Ltd. in Beijing for 5 years, where he led in-depth market studies for major OEMs, and personally interviewed more than 500 dealer sales managers/general managers, local auto experts across over 20 provinces.
    He is a well-known, recognized expert in the Asian automotive industry. He is widely quoted in national and international publications. He is a long-term columnist of industry magazine –China Automotive Review and often presents at key forums such as, the China Automotive Post-WTO Markets & Strategies seminar as well as the Economist Automotive forum etc...
    He holds a B.A. in economics. Before entering the automotive research field, he has five years′ market research experiences in other industries.

    在创建AutoForesight之前,张先生从2004年初在一家总部于底特律的全球汽车行业研究和预测公司(CSM Worldwide) 作为其大中华区负责人在上海服务7年。具体负责公司运作,中国区轻型汽车预测,OEM战略研究和咨询工作。在2010年与另一全球行业预测公司的合并中,他被公司委任为合并后的IHS/CSM汽车咨询业务亚太区总监。
    在加盟底特律预测公司以前,他曾在另一家美国咨询公司---亚洲汽车资源有限公司(Automotive Resources Asia Co Ltd.)北京办公室工作5年,在那里他作为咨询部门负责人领导为主要整车制造商提供深入的市场研究。在此期间,他曾亲自访问了超过全国20多个省的500多家经销商销售经理和总经理。

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