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Is the purpose of Industry 4.0 simply to replace shop floor workers? Does China Manufacturing 2025 just mean unmanned factories? Is it true that Industry 4.0 models such as the “Brilliant Factory” concept includes not needing a local management team anymore? Before we learn and implement newer technologies, we need to think through why we want to implement those technologies.

AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center invites you to participate in our general managers network breakfast on Tuesday, September 26 from 7:30-9:00am at the Hyatt Regency Suzhou. Shuo Chen, General Manager of GE Suzhou and Vice Chair of AmCham Shanghai Manufacturers' Business Council will share his experience in how his company/he used concepts such as Lean and Digitization to transform a newly acquired factory into one of the most competitive factories in valve industry. Key points to be discussed include:
  • Current Status of Factory Task Information Management
  • Current Challenge of Factory KPI and Incentive System
  • How Digital Management System can transfer Employees’ Mentality and Behavior
  • Psychologic Impact of Information System on Management Team
  • Impact of Brilliant Factory on Factory Culture
  • Example of Successes and Mistakes During Implementation of Brilliant Factory

About the Brilliant Factory Concept:
Cloud, Automation, Digital System are not the essence of Industry 4.0 of the Brilliant Factory. Simply purchasing advanced technology, without good understanding how the technology will impact employees’ behavior and mentality, will just result in the wasting of money and resources. How to use Advance Technology to improve employees’ behavior and mentality, as the result, to improve the company culture is the key to a successful Brilliant Factory.
About the Speaker:
Shuo Chen, General Manager, GE Suzhou & Vice Chair, AmCham Shanghai Manufacturers' Business Council


Hyatt Regency Suzhou
#88 Huachi Street Suzhou Industrial Park
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China


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