
As China becomes more global, U.S. investors increasingly set foot in the country. Due to FATCA restrictions, these investors hardly ever obtain any domestic channel in investment. Is it really impossible for them to build an asset allocation portfolio within China? What is asset allocation? Are there asset classes available for these investors? All answers to these questions will be answered in this seminar.

AmCham Shanghai staff will approve of your qualification for the Spotlight Session after you have RSVPed; we will contact you shortly after you have been approved.


2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Registration and Networking
3:00 PM - 3:05 PM
Welcome and Opening
3:05 PM - 4:05 PM
4:05 PM - 4:30 PM
Panel discussion and Q&A


  • Tony Zhu (Investment & Research Director of Good Hope Investment)

    Tony Zhu

    Investment & Research Director of Good Hope Investment

    Tong (Tony) Zhu is the investment & research director of Good Hope Investment, a subsidiary of Creditease Corporation specializing in investor programs for global residence and citizenship. He has over 10 years of fixed income portfolio management experience. His experience covers risk management, bond trading, portfolio management and hedging. After working at an investment bank, Tony has primarily focused on non-performing loan and re-performing loan acquisition and providing bridge financing to real estate development projects in New York. His extensive financial knowledge, risk management experience, and expertise in the real estate industry have been key factors for Good Hope Investment’s success.

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  • Grace Yu (Senior Investment Consultant at Creditease)

    Grace Yu

    Senior Investment Consultant at Creditease

    Master of Science in Risk Management, St. John's University, New York
    Master of Science in Wealth Management, Singapore Management University, Singapore

    Previous Experience
    Investment Consultant, Citi Private Bank, Singapore
    Investment Analyst, Boyu Investment Management Limited, Shanghai

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Standard Ticket
Standard Price Complimentary


To register for this event, please RSVP online. For more information, please contact Kelly Deng at (+86 21) 6279-7119 ext. 4580 or email kelly.deng@amcham-shanghai.org.

Interested in introducing your products or services to AmCham Shanghai members through Spotlight Session? Please contact Zoe Zhang at (+86 21) 6279-7119 ext. 5667 or email zoe.zhang@amcham-shanghai.org for detailed information.

What is a Spotlight Session? A Spotlight Session is a promotional platform for companies to introduce products and services to interested AmCham Shanghai members. The sessions are conveniently held at AmCham Shanghai's offices and attendance is FREE.