
We would like to invite you to join us on Friday, July 21 from 19:00-21:00 at Brewsell’s (#77-1, Shanghai RD 上海路77-1号) for the AmCham Shanghai Nanjing Center Mixer to celebrate the summer and meet other representatives in the American business community. Those who come will enter in a lucky draw for a bottle of wine sponsored by De'Vine.

About the AmCham Shanghai Nanjing Center
The Nanjing Center launched on March 16, 2016 and is the official representative of U.S. business in Nanjing. The Nanjing Center gathers people & resources, develops trade & investment between Nanjing and the U.S., and promotes the business interest of U.S. companies.

上海美国商会南京中心邀请您加入我们的“布鲁塞尔之夜”!7月21日晚19:00~21:00,在位于上海路77-1的Brewsell’s 比利时啤酒餐厅,与美国和其他国际商界人士一起度过南京夏日的美好夜晚。带上你的名片,每一个参与者都有机会进入抽奖环节,赢得我们当晚的奖品---由“酒涡”赞助的葡萄酒一瓶。



Member Ticket
Member Price (Pay at the door) RMB 30
Non-Member Ticket
Door Price RMB 60