上海美国商会苏州中心诚邀您参加将于4月23日(星期三)下午2:00 – 4:30 于苏州园区香格里拉酒店举办的过度用"法"的时代,如何让"沟通"更好地破解ER难题分享会。
- 数说规模性调整:2014-2018 vs 2019-2023
- 2025:当前劳动领域立法执法的四个趋势
- 面对越来越不"特殊"的特殊情形,方案设计如何实现"一碗水端平"?
- 面对抱团、抵制、群体性事件,怎样的应急方案才能有效应对?
- 面对越来越复杂且尖锐的员工关系,如何做好沟通方案设计和落地沟通?
- 员工工伤/工亡等特殊情形下的劳动争议
- 精神类疾病员工坚持到岗,或以抑郁为由"泡病假"
- 本次活动语言为中文,并提供英文字幕。
- 仅限企业高层/业务管理者、HR、ER以及企业内法务工作人员参与。
AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center cordially invites you to join the In the Era of "Law" Overuse, How Can "Communication" Better Solve ER Problems on April 23 (Wednesday), from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM at the Shangri-La Yuanqu Suzhou.
Tension, intense competition, and uncertainty—2024 is proving to be a challenging year for businesses in China. Over the past three years, labor dispute arbitration cases have continued to rise. U.S.-invested enterprises, with their well-established HR systems and strong compliance awareness, have demonstrated the most agility in optimizing labor relations management and navigating corporate transformation. They have also shown the most innovative approaches to flexibly applying and executing labor laws.
As businesses strive for cost reduction and efficiency enhancement, what are the persistent challenges and emerging issues in workforce restructuring amid ongoing organizational change?
When dealing with complex individual cases—unexpected workplace injuries or fatalities, mental health-related disputes, long-term sick leave abuses, lack of evidence for poor performance, and senior management compliance issues—how can companies break through bottlenecks, improve efficiency, and foster harmony?
In this event, China's leading strategic labor relations experts from LABOURS will share:
Part I Ten-Year Data Review on Scaled Labor Relations Adjustments and Labor Relations Management Trends
- Data-Driven Insights on Scaled Labor Relations Adjustments: 2014–2018 vs. 2019–2023
- Cost Reduction and Efficiency Improvement: Workforce Optimization Practices in Organizational Transformation
Part II Challenges and Strategies for Scaled Labor Relations Adjustments Under Cost Reduction and Efficiency Improvement Goals
- As "special cases" become increasingly common, how can solution design ensure fairness for all parties?
- When facing collective resistance, organized pushback, or collective actions, what contingency plans can effectively mitigate risks?
- As employee relations become more complex and contentious, how can businesses design and implement effective communication strategies?
Part III In the Era of "Law" Overuse, How Can "Communication" Better Solve ER Problems?
- Labor disputes arising from special circumstances such as employee work-related injuries/fatalities
- Employees with mental health conditions insisting on attending work or abusing sick leave under the pretext of depression
- The event will be in Chinese, with English subtitles for reference.
- This event is exclusively for Management team/Business Leaders, HR, ER, and corporate legal professionals.