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Save the dateJanuary 30, 20249:00 AM - 5:00 PM GMT+8 Add to Calendar
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Shanghai, China

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Contact Person: Lucy Lu
Course Benifits
Course Benifits










This course is tailored specifically for business people based on the actual working scenarios of enterprises. The course unfolds according to the 2W1H principle, explaining why slides don't look good, what kind of slides are professional-looking, and how to make professional slides. In addition, this course also covers PPT colour matching, design principles, slide editing skills and various practical guidelines, and will introduce skills on slide layout, mastering, graphic image processing, animation effects, multimedia use and slide show control. Through the study of this course, you can use slides to express your views flexibly and freely, and become an infectious and persuasive speaker.

【Course Benefits】

 -Master the principles and skills of PPT design to produce professional-looking slides;

 -Learn to use elements such as colour matching and layout design to enhance the visual effect of slides;

 -Master editing skills, such as inserting pictures, graphics, tables, etc., to make slides more vivid and interesting;

 -Understand the use of multimedia and slide projection control to make presentations more fluent   and natural;

 -Become an infectious and persuasive speaker and improve the ability to express opinions.

【Who Should Attend】

 This course is applicable to all people who usually need to make PPT and present PPT to internal and external.

Session Outline
Session Outline



  • PPT太Word不符合579原则
  • 字体选错了
  •  图片有问题
  • 配色五花八门
  • 设计天马行空
  • 三分弹七分唱


  • 乔布斯PK比尔盖茨,谁的PPT更胜一筹
  • 用对字体,轻松拿捏PPT氛围感
  • 向TOP咨询公司学习专业配色
  • 明白这4个设计原则秒杀99%的PPT


  • 麦肯锡公司说的One Format是什么意思
  • 如何站在观众角度思考
  • PPT常用的SCQA模型
  • 职场人士必备的金字塔原则



  • 3个方法取个响亮的标题
  • 制作全蒙版和半蒙版封面
  • 如何制作高大上的封面


  • 到底用不用目录
  • 目录设计技巧
  • 咨询公司都在用的目录样式


  • PPT的结论前置原则
  • 如何提升文字提炼能力


  • PPT中必备表格设计技能
  • 常见图表三大误区
  • 专业图表五大特征
  • 如何应对4中数据情况


  • 去哪儿找高清免费图片
  • 图片一键排版
  • 如何删除图片背景
  • PPT中的魔法工具


  • 音频和视频的基础剪辑
  • 设置音频和视频的书签
  • 设置音频只播放几页
  • 设置视频的封面


  • PPT要不要加动画
  • 对象动画和切换动画浅析
  • 人人必备的OLE动画技能
  • PPT演示管理
  • PPT结尾怎么写
  • 如何管理很多幻灯片
  • 投屏演示管理



  • PPT演讲禁忌
  • 如何应对紧张
  • 演讲者的形象与气质
  • 好的开场时成功的一半
  • 如何优雅结束演讲

I. Logic Enhancement

1. Why your PPT does not look good

  • PPT too Word Non-compliance with Principle 579
  • Wrong choice of font
  • Problems with pictures
  • Variety of color schemes
  • Designing the sky is the limit
  • Three parts playing and seven parts singing

2. What kind of PPT to look good

  • Steve Jobs PK Bill Gates, whose PPT is better
  • Use the right font, easy to pinpoint the PPT atmosphere feeling
  • Learning professional colour matching from TOP consulting firms
  • Understand these 4 design principles to kill 99% of PPTs

3. How to design PPT to look good

  • what McKinsey & Company means by One Format
  • How to think from the audience's point of view
  • PPT Commonly used SCQA models
  • Essential Pyramid Principles for the Workplace

II. Design skills

1. Cover creation

  • 3 Ways to get a loud title
  • Creating Full and Half Masked Covers
  • How to create a high quality cover

2. Catalogue production

  • Catalogue or not
  • Catalogue design techniques
  • Catalogue styles that are used by consulting firms

3. Word processing

  • The principle of the conclusion of the PPT before the conclusion
  • How to Improve Textual Refinement Skills

4. Chart design

  • Essential Table Design Skills in PPT
  • Three common chart misconceptions
  • The five characteristics of professional charting
  • How to respond to data situations in 4

5. Photo processing

  • Where to find HD free pictures
  • One-click image layout
  • How to remove the picture background
  • Magic Tools in PPT

6. Audio and video processing

  • Basic editing of audio and video
  • Setting up bookmarks for audio and video
  • Setting Audio to Play Only a Few Pages
  • Setting the cover of a video

7.PPT animation essential skills

  • PPT to add animation or not
  • Object Animation and Toggle Animation Analysis
  • Essential OLE Animation Skills for Everyone
  • PPT presentation management
  • How to write the end of the PPT
  • How to manage a lot of slides
  • Screen casting presentation management

III. PPT presentations

1. Power of PPT presentation

  • PPT presentation taboos
  • How to cope with tension
  • Image and Temperament of the Speaker
  • A good start is half the battle
  • How to End a Speech Gracefully
  • 宴艳 (易迪思中国 金牌讲师)


    易迪思中国 金牌讲师


Please use your own name and email when registering for a training session. Additional fees may apply if you fail to register under your own identity. 

A prepayment is required for all full-day training sessions. 


Member Ticket

Member Price RMB 1,080

Member Company Employee Ticket

RMB 1,080

Non-member Ticket

RMB 1,280
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your registration, please notify at (86 21) 6169 3015 or email at least one week prior to the session for a full refund. Cancellation made within two weeks before the session will not be refundable.