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About the Nanjing NEXT Summit
Nanjing NEXT is a summit that aims to provide executives a 24 month view into what’s NEXT for multinationals doing business in China as they face the business realities of the “New Normal.” The event will take place on Friday, June 9 from 8:30-14:00 at the Hilton Wanda Nanjing.

Nanjing NEXT starts with a keynote speech and a panel discussion which will present a bird’s eye view of what’s NEXT for Chinese consumers; this will be followed by a deep dive discussion into how multinationals are preparing to sustain their growth in an increasingly mature and competitive market.

Nanjing NEXT will close with a Municipal Government Luncheon in which a representative from the Nanjing Municipal Mayor’s office; Kenneth Jarrett, President of AmCham Shanghai, will discuss opportunities to take advantage of from national level initiatives including the One Belt One Road Initiative, Nanjing’s Implementation of the National Circular #5 and the influence of the 100 Day U.S.-China Action plan on foreign invested enterprises in China.

The luncheon will also include a celebration of AmCham Shanghai’s 103rd anniversary.

Summit Agenda
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:10 Opening Remarks
09:10-09:30 Keynote Speech 1- What’s Next for the Chinese Consumer
09:30-09:45 Question & Answer
09:45-10:25 Panel: What’s Next for the Chinese Consumer
10:25-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-11:00 Keynote Speech 2 – What‘s Next – Business Models for MNCs in China
11:00-11:15 Question & Answer
11:15-12:00 Panel: China CEO Perspective – What’s Next – Business Models for MNCs in China
12:00-14:00 Municipal Luncheon

Speaker Lineup
  • Glen Walter, CEO China, Coca-Cola Bottling Investments
  • Vicki Dawkins, President, Asia-Pacific, Emerson

Consumer Panel
  • Glen Walter, CEO China, Coca-Cola Bottling Investments
  • Darren Burns, Weber Shandwick President, China
  • Xue Lei, Senior Vice President, Sanpower Group

MNC Business Models Panel
Moderator: Pilar Dieter, Senior Partner, Solidiance Asia Pacific
  • Vicki Dawkins, President, Asia-Pacific, Emerson
  • Manny Menendez, Chairman and CEO, MCM Holdings
  • Eddie Ng, Managing Director East China & Shanghai, JLL

Moderators / MC
  • Kenneth Jarrett, President, AmCham Shanghai
  • Tim MacDonald, Managing Director, Chrysalis
  • Jeffrey Pan, Vice President & GM, Jiangsu, AIG

About AmCham Shanghai Nanjing Center
The Nanjing Center is an initiative approved by the AmCham Shanghai Board of Governors in January 2016. The goal of the Center is to promote the interests of U.S. business in Nanjing and is managed by the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai Yangtze River Delta Network. The Center will support U.S. businesses by running programs and events that provide business information, relationship building opportunities and policy advocacy. The Center is supported by a Nanjing Center Advisory Council. To participate in Nanjing Center activities, please contact



在本次午宴上,南京市政府的主要领导和上海美国商会季瑞达会长将共同探讨在宁外商投资之近期机遇,包括国家层面发布的外资可以参与并受益的主要政策,如一带一路,《国务院关于扩大对外开放积极利用外资若干措施的通知》在南京市政府层面的落实,还将讨论美中关系100天行动计划的效应。此外,2017年 6月9日也正值上海美国商会成立103周年纪念日,本次午宴也将对此进行庆祝。

主办单位: 上海美国商会南京中心
支持单位: 南京市商务局,南京市外商投资企业协会

08:30-09:00 注册进场
09:00-09:10 开幕致辞
【Jeffrey Pan上海美国商会南京中心主席,美亚财产保险有限公司副总裁联江苏总经理】
【Kenneth Jarrett 上海美国商会会长】
09:10-09:30 主题演讲1- 中国消费市场的趋势 【Glen Walter, 可口可乐中国区首席执行官
09:30-09:45 提问环节
09:45-10:25 专家座谈:中国消费市场的趋势
【Darren Burns万博宣伟公关顾问中国区总裁】
【Glen Walter 可口可乐中国区首席执行官

10:25-10:40 茶歇
10:40-11:00 主题演讲2 – 跨国企业在中国的商业模型趋势 【Vicki Dawkins, 艾默生亚太区总裁
11:00-11:15 提问环节
11:15-12:00 专家座谈:跨国企业中国区CEO对中国的商业模型趋势
【Pilar Dieter, Solidiance, 执行总裁】
【Vicki Dawkins, 艾默生亚太区总裁】
【Eddie Ng, 仲量联华东区和上海执行行总监】
【Manny Menendez, MCM创始人,首席执行官】

  • 季瑞达,上海美国商会会长
  • 潘韶辉,美亚财产保险有限公司副总裁,江苏分公司总经理(上海美国商会南京中心主席)

12:00-14:00 市政午宴:在宁外商投资之近期机遇
【Kenneth Jarrett 上海美国商会会长】



Hilton Wanda Nanjing
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
TEL: +86-25-86658888

See route

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