Event Details
新年伊始,上海美国商会与徐汇区投资促进办公室(徐汇区营商服务中心)携手组织会员漫步徐汇街头,感受徐汇风情。参观行程分为"寻觅海派之源"和"感受魅力西岸"两部分,包括衡复City Walk, 下午茶沙龙,以及徐汇西岸参观。(参观点位介绍)
At the beginning of the New Year, AmCham Shanghai and the Xuhui Investment Promotion Office will jointly organize a tour for members to walk through the streets of Xuhui and experience the charm of Xuhui. The itinerary contains two parts: "Looking for the Source of Shanghai-style Culture" and "Feeling the Charm of the West Bund", including the Hengfu City Walk, afternoon tea salon, and Xuhui West Bund tour.
Departure Location: AmCham Shanghai (No. 168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District)
Departure Time: 13:00
Language: Chinese and English Consecutive Translation