Event Details

新年伊始,上海美国商会与徐汇区投资促进办公室(徐汇区营商服务中心)携手组织会员漫步徐汇街头,感受徐汇风情。参观行程分为"寻觅海派之源"和"感受魅力西岸"两部分,包括衡复City Walk, 下午茶沙龙,以及徐汇西岸参观。(参观点位介绍)




At the beginning of the New Year, AmCham Shanghai and the Xuhui Investment Promotion Office will jointly organize a tour for members to walk through the streets of Xuhui and experience the charm of Xuhui. The itinerary contains two parts: "Looking for the Source of Shanghai-style Culture" and "Feeling the Charm of the West Bund", including the Hengfu City Walk, afternoon tea salon, and Xuhui West Bund tour.

Departure Location: AmCham Shanghai (No. 168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District)

Departure Time: 13:00

Language: Chinese and English Consecutive Translation


1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
乘坐大巴前往衡复风貌区 Bus Tour to Hengfu Historical District
Departure Location: AmCham Shanghai
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
衡复City Walk(专业讲解)Hengfu City Walk with Tour Guide
地点:武康路、安福路沿线 (上海话剧艺术中心、武康大楼、罗密欧阳台、巴金故居等各色老建筑)Touring Spot: Wukang and Anfu Road (Shanghai Drama...
地点:武康路、安福路沿线 (上海话剧艺术中心、武康大楼、罗密欧阳台、巴金故居等各色老建筑)
Touring Spot: Wukang and Anfu Road (Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center, Wukang Tower, Romeo Balcony, Former Residence of Bajin etc.)
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3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
下午茶沙龙(政策讲解、交流)Afternoon Tea Salon (Policy Interpretation and Communication)
地点:衡山路十二号华邑酒店五楼Address: 5th Floor, Hualuxe Hotel, Hengshan Road No.12...
Address: 5th Floor, Hualuxe Hotel, Hengshan Road No.12
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4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
乘坐大巴前往西岸 Bus Tour to the West Bund
Departure Location: HuaLuxe Hotel
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
俯瞰西岸总体规划和产业布局 Overlooking the overall industrial layout of the West Bund
参观点:西岸智塔东塔45楼AI WindowTouring spot: West Bund AI Tower, East Wing, Floor 45, AI Window...
参观点:西岸智塔东塔45楼AI Window
Touring spot: West Bund AI Tower, East Wing, Floor 45, AI Window
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5:30 PM - 5:40 PM
返程 Return
Departure Location: Parking lot


Member only
Member Price Complimentary


AmCham Shanghai Conference Center

27F, Infinitus Tower, No.168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District.

Shanghai, China

If you have any questions please contact Ruby Zhu

Contact Organizer

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