Event Details


企业如何能在保证运营需求的同时保护自身的数据安全?如何能从法律角度规避一些风险?有哪些"前车之鉴"可以给企业作为警示?又有怎样的具体服务和解决方案可供企业选择?走在前沿的大型跨国企业有哪些经验可以分享?上海美国商会商贸投资中心携手亚马逊云科技,诚邀您参加将于12月19日(周二)下午2:00 - 4:00举行的"企业数据跨境传输与保护"研讨会。此次研讨会我们将邀请到亚马逊云科技专家、普华永道合伙人以及开利(Carrier)高管来分享他们对数据跨境的政策与案例解读、专业见解与解决方案以及具体的实践操作,从专业的视角出发带来独到的洞见,引发参会企业对于数据安全更深层次的思考。



2:00-2:20 签到

2:20-2:50 企业跨境数据传输安全法规以及过往案例

2:50-3:20 企业跨境信息安全解决方案

3:20-3:40 企业在华信息安全与跨境数据传输实践操作分享

3:40-4:00 Panel Discussion

As the scale of the global digital economy continues to grow, data has become an important factor of production. The cross-border data flow is an inevitable scenario for enterprises in trade. At the same time, they also face multiple challenges such as changes in the legal and regulatory environment, internal organizational declarations, and compliance processes. Therefore the security of data flow has become to attract attention. Irregular cross-border data flow will likely increase the risk of leakage and abuse of personal information and commercial data, leading to damage to enterprises' reputation and interests, and may also bring problems related to technology management, asset management and organizational management.

How can enterprises protect their own data security while ensuring operational needs? How can they avoid some risks from a legal perspective? Are there any "lessons from the past" that can serve as warnings? What specific services and solutions are available for enterprises to choose from? What experiences can leading large MNCs share? AmCham Shanghai Trade & Investment Center together with Amazon Web Services cordially invites you to our seminar on Cross-Boarder Data Transfer and Protection, which will be on Dec.19 (Tuesday), 2:00pm-4:00pm. This time we will have expert from Amazon Web Services, PwC partner and executive from Carrier to share with you their interpretations of cross-border data transfer policies, relevant cases and specific solutions. They'll bring unique insights from a professional perspective, triggering participants to think more deeply about data security.

*This is a hybrid event. You can choose to participate either online or offline during the registration process. If you choose to participate online, you will receive the zoom link within 48h before this event starts.


2:00-2:20 Check in

2:20-2:50 Cross-border Data Transfer Policies & Relevant Cases

2:50-3:20 Cross-border Data Transfer Solutions

3:20-3:40 From an MNC's Perspective: Practices Sharing

3:40-4:00 Panel Discussion


  • 季莹 (安全产品专家 at AWS China)


    安全产品专家 at AWS China

  • Steven Liu 刘圣雨 (信息安全负责人 at Carrier)

    Steven Liu 刘圣雨

    信息安全负责人 at Carrier


    view more
  • Tony Wan 万彬 (网络安全与隐私保护合伙人 at PwC China)

    Tony Wan 万彬

    网络安全与隐私保护合伙人 at PwC China


    view more


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AmCham Shanghai Conference Center

27F, Infinitus Tower, No.168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District.

Shanghai, China

If you have any questions please contact Jiaqian Lu

Contact Organizer

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