
孙辉 体外诊断医保收费与卫生技术评估的进展与思考-SH (For sharing).pdfdownload


Join us for a Healthcare Policy Forum hosted by the Healthcare Committee on May 28, 2024, from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM, at the AmCham Shanghai Conference Center. The forum will delve into the latest medical policies and provide a dynamic opportunity for healthcare industry leaders to deeply engage and discuss with policymakers and experts in innovative pharmaceuticals and other sectors.

欢迎参加上海美国商会医疗政策解读研讨会,与我们一起全面探索中国的医疗行业前景。本次研讨会将于5月28日(周二)下午13:30 - 17:00在上海美国商会会议中心举行。


Agenda 会议日程:

13:30 开幕致辞 - 韦春艳,上海美国商会医疗委员会主席

13:40 促进三医协同发展和治理,持续深化医药卫生体制改革 - 许树强,国家卫健委体改司原司长、中国医院发展研究院院长

14:20 上海市促进生物医药产业发展政策 - 陈敦副处长 徐文恺,上海市科委生物医药产业推进工作组

14:40 中国医疗行业现状及创新机遇 - 张畅,艾昆纬中国管理咨询部高级总监

15:00 《生物安全法》解读 - 汪祺,安可咨询大中华区首席运营官

15:20 茶歇

15:40 体外诊断收费与HTA研究 - 孙辉,上海市卫生技术评估研究中心

16:00 圆桌讨论:医疗生态合作讨论





17:00 会议闭幕

Event language: Chinese

Please note the event will be conducted in Chinese.


  • Shuqiang Xu (Dean/Former Director of Chinese Hospital Development Research Institute/Health Reform Department of the National Health Commission of China)

    Shuqiang Xu

    Dean/Former Director of Chinese Hospital Development Research Institute/Health Reform Department of the National Health Commission of China

    许树强,现任上海交通大学讲席教授、第十三届校务委员会副主任,中国医院发展研究院院长。医学硕士、法学博士、经济学博士后。教授、主任医师、博士生导师。中国医师协会副会长,中国卫生经济学会副会长,中国卫生经济学会公立医院高质量发展分会(筹)会长, 中国研究型医院学会副会长,中国灾害防御协会副会长,中国灾害防御协会医疗卫生应急分会(筹)会长。


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  • Chang Zhang (Senior Principal, Management Consulting at IQVIA China)

    Chang Zhang

    Senior Principal, Management Consulting at IQVIA China

    Mr. Zhang is a senior leader of IQVIA China’s management consulting team, focusing on pharmaceutical, medical technologies, and healthcare services industries. With over 17 years of experience he advises leading multinational and Chinese corporations as well as government bodies, NGOs and investment funds in critical value-generation topics such as strategic planning and choices, transactions, business and portfolio development.

    Mr. Zhang received his bachelor degree in pharmacology at Wuhan University and holds Master degrees in biochemistry (University of Paris - Saclay) and marketing (HEC Paris Grande Ecole). He previously served EY-Parthenon, Oliver Wyman - OC&C, and Roland Berger, among others.



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  • Anne Wang (Chief Operating Officer, Greater China at APCO)

    Anne Wang

    Chief Operating Officer, Greater China at APCO

    Ms. Anne Wang is the Chief Operating Officer for APCO Greater China region. She has over 18 years of rich experience in the healthcare sector to advise multinational corporations on their public affairs and advocacy strategies in the China market.

    Ms. Anne Wang oversees the business operation in the Greater China region for APCO, a global advisory and advocacy firm helping leading corporations, foundations and governments navigate a complex world. Throughout the years, she has been dedicated to fuse the best local experience with a global perspective and has built a diverse and experienced consultant team with a unique culture. In the past 10 years, Ms. Anne Wang led the company’s healthcare practice in the Greater China region and has been providing briefing and counselling on China’s macro-economic and healthcare industrial policies to global and China management teams of multinational companies as well as trade and industrial associations.

    Before joining APCO, Ms. Anne Wang worked as a senior project officer in the Health Human Resources Development Center of China's National Health Commission, where she was responsible for international cooperation, policy research and capacity building programs through coordination with various partners including foreign embassies, multinational companies, international universities, and research institutions.

    Ms. Anne Wang holds a bachelor’s degree in clinical medicine from Tianjin Medical University and completed a master's in psychology program at the University of Essex in U.K.

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  • HS

    Hui Sun

    Researcher at Shanghai Health Technology Assessment Research Center

  • QP

    Qing Peng

    Investment Director of Shanghai Healthcare Capital

  • Nianci Luo (Director of Shanghai Huangpu Jianxian Medical Industry Innovation Research Institute)

    Nianci Luo

    Director of Shanghai Huangpu Jianxian Medical Industry Innovation Research Institute

    罗念慈先生,曾任华润JCI医院管理研究院(中国)院长、总经理, BSI(英国标准协会)中国咨询培训公司总经理,同时在上海交通大学、南京大学EMBA、杜克(昆山)大学等知名院校担任医疗健康管理领域客座讲师、教授。

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  • Li Li (Senior Director of Capital Ecosystem at FAPON)

    Li Li

    Senior Director of Capital Ecosystem at FAPON

  • Anita Wei (VP, Public Affairs at Danaher China)

    Anita Wei

    VP, Public Affairs at Danaher China

    Anita Wei is currently the VP for Government Affairs at Danaher China.

    Before this role, she was the Senior Director Public Affairs & Communications for BD Greater China and Head of Communications for Novartis Pharma Greater China.

    Anita obtained her bachelor’s degree in economics from University of International Business and Economics in Beijing and her Master Degree in Marketing and Communications from University of Sydney.

    Anita Wei serves as the Vice Chair of AmCham Shanghai's Healthcare Committee.

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AmCham Shanghai Conference Center

27F, Infinitus Tower

No.168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District

Shanghai, China

If you have any questions please contact Kelly Deng

Contact Organizer

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