This is a Chinese Training. The number of participants is within 22 people.
The course will provide business managers with the fundamental concepts of accounting and finance management, so that they can handle day-to-day finance-related problems in a professional way. Furthermore, this course will help managers improve their performance by monitoring key figures and ratios in financial statements.
At the end of the program, participants will be able to:
- Understand the "Fundamental Accounting Concepts" and how the application of these concepts impact on the essence of business financial report.
- Understand the importance of each of the 3 key financial statements (i.e. Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Statement and Cash Flow Statement), their limitation and relationship.
- gain insights and skill to read and interpret financial statements in order to understand the financial condition of a business enterprise.
- 理解"基本会计概念",以及这些概念是如何影响企业财务报告。
- 了解这3个关键财务报表(即资产负债表,损益表和现金流量表)的重要性、局限性和相互关系。
- 获得阅读和解释财务报表的洞察力和技能,以便了解和评估企业财务状况。