
'Better Angels' is a 90-minute documentary film written and directed by two-time Academy Award winner Malcolm Clarke. It examines the proposition that America and China can benefit enormously by looking beyond their traditional rivalries and to a future in which differences are respected rather than suspected – where both sides focus on the issues that unite them, rather than those that drive them apart.

Produced over four years, shot on four continents, made with the participation of three U.S. Secretaries of State, Better Angels explores two fundamental questions of great interest to many Sino-US relations watchers:

  • How should the US react to a rising China?
  • Is it possible that the 21st century could witness a world in which two competing superpowers, each pursuing its own agenda of self-interest, might co-exist peacefully?

Malcolm Clarke, the director of the film and Yi Han, the producer, will also be present for an after-movie discussion.


6:00pm: Check in & Networking

6:30pm: Screening

8:00pm: Q & A

8:30pm: Event ends

*This is a free event.


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AmCham Shanghai Conference Center

Suite 568, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Road West
Shanghai, China

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