Today you may have already used WeChat to pay for a coffee, read an industry article, contribute to a group chat, transfer a file to a colleague, shop online, peruse your networks moments…WeChat is no longer a communication app, it is a fast evolving Echosystem of individuals, start-up brands and high-end corporate gurus alike. Learn secrets on how you can get the most out of this platform now and continue to stay one-step ahead of the game.
If you have a basic understanding of WeChat marketing and want to take it to the next level with a fresh look at optimizing your strategy, don't miss out on this May How-To Series, which will cover:
• What is your content strategy actually saying about your brand?
• Best practices for the platform told through innovative case studies on companies that pushed beyond raising engagement numbers and toward a measurable increase in sales.
• Social marketing maturity and how to utilize data analytics, segmentation and tags to truly understand the everyday WeChat junkie.