
As companies tackle the issues associated with a company restructuring, or a merger and acquisition, there may inevitably be personnel adjustments. How to manage employees, including senior managers, mid-level managers, lower-level employees and other staff members, is a challenge that companies face. How to mediate and negotiate during an employment termination in order to reduce potential risks and ensure successful implementation is a key challenges.

In accordance with Labor Contract Law and relevant labor laws of the People's Republic of China, when companies need to terminate a labor contract with an employee, it is necessary to reach a written agreement after negotiation or meet the conditions of a legal termination to avoid the risk of a labor dispute. If a labor dispute occurs, it may have both tangible and intangible negative consequences for the company as a result of an unfavorable verdict handed down by arbitration or litigation. Therefore, it is of great importance that a settlement can be negotiated with the employee if there are inadequate conditions for a legal termination.

At this event, Lillie Ding, labor law and HR expert from SBA Stone Forest (SBASF), will share with you some important mediating and negotiating skills to conduct an employee termination, including: how to prepare & conduct the negotiation, recommended procedures and participant roles, and key factors to consider that can influence the negotiation.

Session Outline

  • Preparation work for the termination negotiation
  • How to conduct the negotiation
  • Follow-up measures to manage the negotiation outcomes



在本次活动中,中瀚石林的劳动法专家Lillie Ding将会与您分享在员工离职面谈前,通常需要做哪些准备?如何实施谈判,是否有流程建议以及参与角色推荐?影响谈判结果的因素有哪些?如何为日后的人力资源管理创造理想条件?

  • 离职谈判的前期准备
  • 谈判过程中的注意事项
  • 对于谈判结果的应对方针和后续措施


2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Spotlight Session: Mediation & Negotiation during Employment Termination (Chinese Session)
14:00 Registration and Networking
14:30 Welcome and Opening
16:00 Session ends


  • Lillie Ding (Director, Payroll & HR Advisory service, SBA Stone Forest)

    Lillie Ding

    Director, Payroll & HR Advisory service, SBA Stone Forest

    Lillie has over a decade of experience in negotiation and client management. She has a deep understanding of industry-specific HR processes and is familiar with labor law and labor dispute resolution in China. Prior to joining SBASF, Lillie worked with ADP Shanghai and started her career as a HR consultant at Shanghai Foreign Service Company.

    Lillie Ding目前担任中瀚石林薪酬及人事咨询服务董事,她之前在FESCO以及ADP工作十余年,拥有丰富谈判经验及客户管理经验,熟悉各行业人力资源流程体系以及劳动法及劳动争议处理。

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To register for this event, please RSVP online. For more information, please contact Kelly Deng at (+86 21) 6279-7119 ext. 4580 or email kelly.deng@amcham-shanghai.org.

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