
上海美国商会南京中心诚邀您参加将于4月1日(星期二)下午2:00 – 3:30 南京WeWork(金鹰国际中心)举办的企业安全文化建设分享会。


  • 安全文化的重要性:介绍介绍安全文化的起源与发展,安全文化的定义及内涵,强调安全文化对企业可持续发展的重要作用
  • 安全文化的建立:详细讲解如何建立企业安全文化,包括制定安全策略、明确管理层的职责、推动员工参与等
  • 安全文化的推行:探讨如何将安全文化融入企业的日常运营中,介绍国际知名企业安全文化最佳实践的经验,如何通过培训、沟通、激励等手段,让安全文化落地生根
  • 安全文化的评估与改进:介绍如何评估企业安全文化的现状,识别存在的问题,并制定相应的改进措施,以不断提升企业安全文化的水平


AmCham Shanghai Nanjing Center cordially invites you to join the Corporate Safety Culture Development, on April 1 (Tuesday), from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM at the WeWork Nanjing (Golden Eagle International Center).

The topics will cover:

  • The Importance of Safety Culture: This section introduces the origin and development of safety culture, its definition and connotation, and emphasizes the crucial role of safety culture in promoting sustainable development of enterprises.
  • Establishing Safety Culture: A detailed explanation of how to establish a corporate safety culture, including formulating safety strategies, clarifying the responsibilities of management, and promoting employee participation.
  • Integrating Safety Culture: This section explores how to integrate safety culture into the daily operations of enterprises, introducing best practices of safety culture from internationally renowned enterprises, and discussing how to ensure safety culture takes root through training, communication, incentives, and other means.
  • Assessing and Improving Safety Culture: This section introduces how to assess the current status of corporate safety culture, identify existing issues, and develop corresponding improvement measures to continuously enhance the level of corporate safety culture.

*Note: The event will be conducted in Chinese and English subtitles will be provided.


1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
签到 Check in
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
内容分享 Presentation
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
问答交流 Q&A and Networking


  • 承亮 Ashuram Cheng (工业安全事业部咨询项目总监Director of Consulting Projects for the Industrial Safety Division)

    承亮 Ashuram Cheng

    工业安全事业部咨询项目总监Director of Consulting Projects for the Industrial Safety Division

    承先生凭借在机械行业、汽车行业、电子行业、化妆品行业等制造工厂和研发实验室的EHS管理实践,并参与了大量的行业培训项目,已经为在中国境内的多家大型集团公司提供过EHS相关服务,直接服务过的客户包扩GE、Shell、BMW/BBA、3M、Mars、Borger Warner、Bosch、Colgate、Whirlpool、Magna、Essilor、Mann-Hummel、Nexans、Roche、Boehringer-Ingelheim、SBD、ZF等跨国企业,华为、腾讯、上汽大众、一汽大众、华润、延锋集团、风帆股份、华友钴业等国内知名企业。

    Mr. Cheng is a Senior EHS Consultant with over 19 years of experience as both a consultant and in-house EHS expert. He has abundant experience in conducting Risk Assessment, Safety Culture Development, Process Safety Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, EHS due diligence, EHS compliance audit, regulatory support and consulting, corporate social responsibility and supplier audit, transactional EHS integration support, permitting support, for multinational and local Chinese clients.
    Mr. Cheng has provided EHS-related services to many large corporations in China, including GE, Shell, BMW/BBA, 3M, Mars, Borger Warner, Bosch, Colgate, Whirlpool, Magna, Essilor, Mann-Hummel, Nexans, Roche, Boehringer-Ingelheim, SBD, ZF and other multinational companies, as well as Huawei, Tencent, SAIC Volkswagen, FAW-Volkswagen, China Resources, Yanfeng Group, CSSC, Huayou Cobalt and other well-known domestic enterprises.

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南京市秦淮区汉中路89号金鹰国际中心A座8楼WeWork- 8B会议室

8B,8th Floor WeWork, Tower A, Golden Eagle International Center, No. 89 Hanzhong Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

If you have any questions please contact Ailva Tan

Contact Organizer

+86 51262930200

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