

PPT课程是结合企业实际需求和丰富的讲学经验设计而成,以 PPT 基础操作为主线, 从PPT制作原则出发,依次介绍演示文稿高速创建、模板应用、数据图表制作与应用等。学员和讲师同步案例操作,助力学员在短时间内成为 PowerPoint 制作高手。


Word is the most commonly used document editing software in our daily work, but we often spend much more time and energy on secondary editing and document typesetting than text writing. This course will focus on quick typesetting methods in Word, which can make things simple and eliminate the common problems in typesetting. Through 2 hours study, we believe you can improve your document editing efficiency.

This course is designed based on the actual needs and rich learning experience. The course takes PPT operation as the main line, starting from high-speed creation of presentation, modification to template application, data chart production and application, etc. Lecturers will also lead participants to do case exercise and help them enhance their skills in PowerPoint production in a short time.

This course will be given by Certified Microsoft Office Specialist——Shanshan Yu. Through example teaching and hands-on practice, this course will explore more daily use value of Word with you, and let you master time-saving and labor-saving word document processing skills to improve working efficiency.

Session Outline

Word 课程内容(3hrs)

1. 高级编辑工具

  • 工具栏操作 
  • 自动更正 
  • 使用自动图文集
  • 应用项目符号和编号
  • 制表位

2. 分栏和表格

  • 文本分栏
  • 分栏编辑
  • 文件分节
  • 页面设置
  • 页眉和页脚  

3. 使用引用工具

  • 创建脚注和尾注
  • 使用书签 
  • 超级链接  
  • 创建交叉引用
  • 建立索引
  • 创建目录

4. 邮件合并

  • 建立数据库
  • 创建主文档
  • 对收件人进行筛选排序
  • 规则使用:if…then…else
  • 预览结果
  • 完成并合并

Word Part(3hrs)

1. Advanced editing tools   

  • Toolbar operations 
  • Auto correct 
  • Auto text  
  • Bullets and numbers 
  • Tab stops

2. Calendar         

  • Text column 
  • Edit column 
  • File segmentation
  • Page setup
  • Header and footer

3. Using reference tools         

  • Create footnotes and endnotes
  • Use bookmarks  
  • Hyperlink
  • Create cross reference
  • Build Index
  • Create Catalog  

4. Mail Merge

  • Set up a database
  • Create the main document
  • Filter and sort recipients
  • Use rules: if…then…else
  • Preview results
  • Finish & Merge

PPT 课程内容(3hrs)

1. 母版优化与应用      

  • 幻灯片母版创建
  • 自定义版式 
  • 创建与设计模板 

2. 用数据打造说服力            

  • 插入并链接Excel 电子数据表
  • 动作按钮 
  • 插入数据图表
  • 创建数据图表
  • 改变图表颜色

3. 数据展示技巧

  • 动画图表
  • 显示事物发展变化过程
  • 使用触发器创造互动

PPT Part(3hrs)

1. Master optimization and application  

  • Create slide master  
  • Custom Slide layout 
  • Design template

2. Build data influence               

  • Insert and link Excel spreadsheet
  • Action button  
  • Insert data chart
  • Edit data chart
  • Change chart color

3. Data present skills

  • Animate a chart
  • Create animation to show a change
  • Use triggers



  • 余珊珊


    易迪思 Office 金牌讲师
    Microsoft Office 咨询顾问、资深培训师

    微软 Office 课程包括 2003 至 2013 版本的 Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, Project 等系列课程。

    提供给客户全方位的流行软件的培训,(全部 Microsoft Office 软件)Lotus Notes,Internet 工具,脚本语言(HTML),以及各种 International 证书课 程(NHIPP – New Horizons Internet Professional Program 是 CIW 在中国 的教学课程)

    2005年3月 - 微软认证专家(Certified Microsoft Office Specialist) 1999年9月 - 美国新地平线计算机系统(上海)有限公司

    view more


Please use your own name and email when registering for a training session. Additional fees may apply if you fail to register under your own identity. 

A prepayment is required for all full-day training sessions. 


Member Ticket
Member Price RMB 998
Member Company Employee Ticket
Standard Price RMB 998
Non-member Ticket
Standard Price RMB 1,098


  • All registrations shall be made online before the session. Payment also shall be made before the session.
  • AmCham Shanghai members are eligible to attend at "Member Rate"; Employees who work at AmCham Shanghai member companies are eligible to attend at "Employee Rate"; Non-members are eligible to attend at "Non-Member Rate".
Cancellation Policy
  • Cancellation: If you need to cancel your registration, please notify David Ma at (86 21) 6169 3016 or email david.ma@amcham-shanghai.org at least two weeks prior to the session for a full refund. Cancellation made within two weeks before the session will not be refundable.