
This September, the Yangtze River Delta invites your company employees to join the fifth season [9/20-11/23] of the YRD Leadership Development Forum for chamber member companies, targeted specifically at employees currently in supervisor to newly promoted manager level roles (work experience between 10-15 years). These employees are between the ages of 30-40, are in middle management roles, and are not necessarily eligible for structured training programs available to those in senior roles.

There is NO cost to attend. The sessions will be held in Chinese. If you have questions for Suzhou please contact suzhou@amcham-shanghai.org or call 512-6999 5295.

Forum Purpose
To provide a platform for employees within your company to grow their management skills organically in an intimate community through facilitated and peer led discussion. Topics to be discussed include leadership theory, management best practices, soft skills enhancement, productivity & self improvement, career planning, and continued education.

Why join?

Grow your future leadership capability. AmCham has heard member company feedback, and is looking to help your company bridge the gap.

PROVEN MODEL – Need we say more?
5 forums | 44 Sessions | 260+ individual participants | 15+ speakers | attendee feedback tested [*also launched in Nanjing this spring!]

The Leadership Development Forum is a cost effective way to provide your employees with career planning benefits. Attendance is anticipated at 30-40 people per session, company employees have opportunities to demonstrate leadership within their forum.

What does your company receive?
Each member company will be eligible to designate 2 employees to this program for FREE. Additional employees @ RMB 2000/ season.

How to sign-up your employees?
STEP 1: select up to 2 employees to attend the forum [note – they should be committed to attend 6/8 times minimum]
STEP 2: select a company sponsor [company sponsor ensures that employees are committed through the process]
STEP 3: Company Sponsor provides names of candidates, including name, job title, years of working experience via survey [DEADLINE August 31]
STEP 4: Each company candidate takes a survey [DEADLINE September 7]
STEP 5: First session on September 20 for Suzhou

Other Requirements – The Forum Details
Nominated employees are required to:
· Provide direct contact information (including work phone and cell phone) for Forum use
· Be placed into a group of 5-7 team members comprised of other Leadership Development Forum attendees for accountability and discussion purposes
· Fill out a questionnaire (including all mandatory questions) prior to receiving approval for attending the Forum by 9/7 close of business. Failure to fill out the questionnaire will result in disqualification of attendance.
· Are required to attend at least 6 of the 8 sessions. The first session and last sessions are required. Participants will immediately be disqualified from the forum if the first forum is not attended.

Forum Dates for Suzhou (18:30-20:00)