

· 张江人工智能岛 - 占地面积6.6万平方米,是人工智能产业新标杆。这里汇聚了IBM研发 总部、微软AI&IoT Insider实验室、英飞凌大中华区总部等跨国企业 巨头,ADA Health(中德)等合作项目,同济大学上海自主智能无人系统科学中心等科研院所。

· 张江药谷展厅 - 以医药产业为重点,张江药谷展厅建立了支持关键产业创新的生态体系,是集中展示张江科学城范围内生物医药集群各类创新要素及创新成果的重要平台,也是面向创新企业、技术、成果和产业链上下游的发布、 对接、交流的空间。


In cooperation with the Pudong government, AmCham Shanghai has organized a tour of the Zhangjiang High-Tech Park in the afternoon of June 28. Pudong Commission of Commerce and Zhangjiang High-Tech Park officials will lead the tour and provide insights on government policies and plans to support companies. Known as the Silicon Valley of China, the Zhangjiang High-Tech Park serves as an industry hub for sectors including Integrated Circuits, Artificial Intelligence, biomedicine, digital economy, and IT services. During the tour of the park, members will be driven through the park with government officials and visit the below sites:

· AI Island – Zhangjiang's hub for companies involved in high-tech R&D. Covering an area of 66,000 square meters, the AI Island hosts MNC tech giants such as IBM R&D headquarters, Microsoft AI&IoT Insider Lab, and Infineon Greater China headquarters. Cooperation projects such as ADA Health (China-Germany), and research institutes such as Shanghai Center for Autonomous Intelligent Unmanned Systems Science of Tongji University are also located in the AI Island.

· Medicine Valley - Focused on the pharmaceutical industry, this section of the park tries to foster an eco-system to support innovation in this key industry. It serves as a showcase for innovative achievements in the biomedical sector. It also is a platform for companies to exchange ideas and innovations in the upstream and downstream of the industry chain.

The tour provides members with a first-hand view of one of China's most cutting-edge industrial parks and opportunities to engage with key local officials. The tour is part of AmCham Shanghai's Pudong Government Taskforce which focuses on helping members to develop stronger relations with the local government. Participation in the tour is complimentary for members and open to all members including SMEs and entrepreneurs.


下午 1:30 - 下午 2:00
浦东新区世纪大道2001号3号门集合,大巴前往人工智能岛 Depart from Gate 3, No. 2001 Century Avenue, Pudong District to AI Island
下午 2:00 - 下午 2:40
参观人工智能岛 Tour the AI Island
下午 2:40 - 下午 3:20
参观张江药谷展厅 Tour the Medicine Valley Exhibition Hall
下午 3:20 - 下午 3:50
大巴返回浦东新区世纪大道2001号,行程结束 Leave for No. 2001 Century Avenue, Pudong District, Tour Ends


AmCham - Zhangjiang Tour Event Announcement.pdf下载



中国上海市上海世纪大道 2001号

如果您有任何问题,请您联系Ruby Zhu

