
上海美国商会南京中心诚邀您参加将于4月9日(星期三)下午2:00 – 3:30 南京WeWork(金鹰国际中心)举办的供应链变局:中国-东盟走廊机遇探索分享会。



  • 企业外迁的常见原因
  • 东盟市场背景信息介绍
  • 协力客户的所见、所言与所为
  • 东盟市场选址标准:方法与策略
  • 2024年新兴亚洲制造业指数


AmCham Shanghai Nanjing Centercordially invites you to join the Tapping the China-ASEAN Corridor and its Unique Supply Chain Dynamics, on April 9 (Wednesday), from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM at the WeWork Nanjing (Golden Eagle International Center).

In a world defined by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), companies are actively pursuing innovative approaches to ensure resilience and sustainability. While China's established supply chains, advanced infrastructure, and abundant talent are well-known, the ASEAN region presents itself as an increasingly appealing market option. Here, businesses encounter favorable tariff schemes, deepening supply chains, and substantial cost advantages. For international companies already situated in China, strategically expanding operations into the nearby and rapidly growing ASEAN region offers immense potential. Many are already optimizing their supply chains, seeking cost-effective inputs from alternative regions to streamline operations, explore new opportunities, or enhance existing ventures.

This session will include:

  • Common Reasons for Relocation
  • ASEAN Markets Background
  • What our Clients See, Say, and Do
  • ASEAN Site Selection Criteria: Methods and Strategies
  • The Emerging Asia Manufacturing Index 2024

*Note: The event will be in Chinese, with English subtitles for reference.


1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
签到 Check in
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
主题分享 Presentation
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
问答交流 Q&A and Networking


  • 茅慧薇 Vivian Mao (协力管理咨询(DSA)华东区合伙人、律师、澳洲资深注册会计师 East China Regional Partner of DSA, Lawyer, and FCPA Australia (Fellow of CPA Australia))

    茅慧薇 Vivian Mao

    协力管理咨询(DSA)华东区合伙人、律师、澳洲资深注册会计师 East China Regional Partner of DSA, Lawyer, and FCPA Australia (Fellow of CPA Australia)

    Vivian 于 2005 年在上海一家国际律师事务所开始其职业生涯,并于 2008 年至 2011 年在新加坡一家大型上市公司担任内部法律顾问。 之后,她在两家跨国咨询公司 Stone Forest 和 Dezan Shira & Associates 担任法律部门负责人,为外国公司投资中国和中国企业出海投资提供全面的投资和管理建议。
    在超过 20 年的法律实践中,她在投资前咨询、公司设立、并购、重组、尽职调查、并购后整合、跨境投资、知识产权和劳动法等方面拥有丰富的经验。
    Vivian 在并购项目(包括境内投资和境外投资)方面拥有丰富的经验,并深入参与了匹配、战略咨询、商业谈判和并购实施阶段的工作。她在法律、税务、人力资源和运营领域的丰富知识和经验得到了客户的高度认可和赞赏。
    Vivian被加拿大大使馆全球事务部贸易专员服务处评为 “加拿大全球管理委员会”成员之一,为进入亚洲市场和在亚洲市场运营的加拿大企业提供宝贵的商业见解和战略建议。她还是德国Start2 Group的导师,该组织在 2025 年被《金融时报》评为欧洲三大创业中心之一,在 “网络 ”和 “跟踪记录 ”方面排名第一。

    Bachelor's Degree in International Economic Law, specializing in East China University of Political Science and Law; MBA of Brest Business School; PRC qualified lawyer; Australia FCPA.
    Vivian started her career with an international law firm in Shanghai in 2005 and worked as in-house legal counsel for a major listed company in Singapore from 2008 to 2011. After that, she headed the legal department of two multinational consulting companies, Stone Forest and Dezan Shira & Associates, to provide comprehensive investment and management advice to foreign entities entering China and Chinese companies investing abroad.
    With more than 20 years of legal practice, she is experienced in pre-investment advisory, incorporation, mergers & acquisitions, restructuring, due diligence, post-M&A integration, inbound & outbound investment, intellectual property, and labor law.
    Vivian has rich experiences in mergers and acquisitions projects including both inbound and outbound investment, and has been deeply involved in the matchmaking, strategic advice, commercial negotiation, and M&A implementation stages. Her strong knowledge and experiences in the legal, tax, HR and operation fields are highly recognized and appreciated by clients.
    Vivian is recognized as one of Canada's Global Executives by the Trade Commissioner Service at Global Affairs Canada to give valuable business insights and strategic advice, to Canadian companies entering and operating within the Asian market. She is also a mentor for Start2 Group, recognized in 2025 as one of Europe’s top three startup hubs by the Financial Times, securing the #1 ranking in "Network" and "Track Record."

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  • 李翊芸 Victoria Li (协力管理咨询(DSA)国际商务咨询顾问 Associate in the International Business Advisory team of DSA)

    李翊芸 Victoria Li

    协力管理咨询(DSA)国际商务咨询顾问 Associate in the International Business Advisory team of DSA

    Victoria Li是协力管理咨询上海办公室国际商务咨询部门的顾问。她协助外国投资者进入中国,从投资前咨询到公司设立,并与法律、税务、会计和人力资源部门同事合作,提供持续的支持。
    此外,Victoria还是中国客户服务业务的联络人,为中国投资者在海外的投资活动提供指导。她在澳大利亚曾居住约 7 年,曾在一家社区法律中心接受法律培训,通过与客户的交流,掌握了沟通技巧和行业知识。
    Victoria拥有莫纳什大学(Monash University)的法学学士(荣誉)学位,主攻澳大利亚法律,并获得阿德莱德大学(University of Adelaide)的法学硕士学位,专攻国际法领域。

    Victoria Li is an Associate in the International Business Advisory team at Dezan Shira & Associates' Shanghai office. She assists foreign investors entering China, from pre-entry assessment to corporate structuring and provides ongoing support in collaboration with her legal, tax, accounting, and payroll colleagues.
    Additionally, Victoria serves as a point of contact for the Chinese client services desk and guides Chinese investors' initiatives in overseas countries. Having resided in Australia for around 7 years, she underwent legal training at a community legal center, acquiring communication skills and industry knowledge through client interactions.
    Victoria holds a Bachelor of Law degree (Honour) from Monash University with a major focus on Australian domestic law practices and a Master of Law degree from the University of Adelaide, specializing in international law areas.

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Standard Price Complimentary


南京市秦淮区汉中路89号金鹰国际中心A座8楼WeWork- 8B会议室

8B,8th Floor WeWork, Tower A, Golden Eagle International Center, No. 89 Hanzhong Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

If you have any questions please contact Ailva Tan

Contact Organizer

+86 51262930200

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