This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other AmCham Shanghai events.

AmCham Shanghai Trade & Investment Center cordially invites you to attend the 24th China Zhejiang Investment & Trade Symposium on May 16 (Tuesday) in Ningbo, Zhejiang. The Symposium is an annual conference hosted by the People's Government of Zhejiang Province. The topics cover economy, policy, trade, consumption, services, etc. It aims to promote understanding and exchanges among governments at all levels in Zhejiang Province, private local enterprises in Zhejiang Province and MNCs. Participants will have the opportunity to have face-to-face exchanges with the leaders from the People's Government of Zhejiang Province, the Department of Commerce and prefecture level cities, as well as local leading entrepreneurs, to conduct in-depth discussions on macro issues such as politics, economy and trade, and to explore potential business cooperation opportunities.


*This event only opens to executives of MNCs (director level & above). All registrations will have to wait for government approval, and a confirmation email will be sent out by AmCham after final approval.


*Simultaneous interpretation will be provided at the event 本次活动提供同声传译。

*Participants are responsible for their own roundtrip transportation to Ningbo与会者需自行负责往返宁波市的交通。


May 16 (Tuesday)

2:45-3:30 Check In

3:30-4:10 Speech by Government Leaders & Detailed Explanation of the Latest Policies

4:10-5:15 "Opening-Up" Theme Dialogue (Topics Include: Market, Finance, Policy, Cooperation)

5:15-6:00 Networking

6:00-7:30 Dinner



2:45-3:30 签到

3:30-4:10 省政府领导及跨国企业代表致辞

4:10-5:15 主题演讲(浙江省"地瓜经济"与市场、金融、政策、合作)

5:15-6:00 自由交流

6:00-7:30 晚餐