



地址:上海美国商会苏州中心 (苏州工业园区华池街圆融时代广场南京银行803A)



为帮助企业在9月进行第二轮申请(第一轮申请截至日期为7月4日),并以第一轮申请中的经验为例进行指导,上海美国商会苏州中心邀请您于7月10日(周三) 14:00-16:00参加对美加征关税商品排除申请培训讲座。本次活动我们有幸邀请到来自北京德和衡律师事务所的刘馨泽律师,他将向大家分享关于申请排除商品范围及申请流程的专题讲解。

AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center will hold a Chinese language workshop on the Chinese tariff exclusion process on July 10, 2:00 PM at the AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center. We aim to help the 2nd round of applications in September after the July 4 due date for first round and provide best practices and lessons learned from the first round. We are glad to present our speaker Mr. Liu Xinze, Senior Partner from DHH Law Firm, who will provide members with guidance and insight on how to submit a successful application. In May 2019, China's Ministry of Finance released new tariff exemption measures for companies in China impacted by the tariff. According to the official document, all interested parties (enterprises in China engaged in the import, production or use of related commodities or their representative industry associations) can apply for relief from the tariffs. Applicants need to explain the difficulty of finding substitute goods, the financial damage, and the significance of the impact on the industry – such as economic stagnation, job cuts and technological regression – or other negative social consequences.

The Tariff Commission of the State Council will review and investigate the applications, and consult industry opinions, before publishing the exclusion list, whose date of release is not given yet. Goods successfully included in the exclusion will be exempted from the tariffs for a year, and qualified companies will receive tax refunds for tariffs already paid.


  • Xinze Liu

    Xinze Liu

    刘馨泽,北京德和衡律师事务所高级合伙人,德衡律师集团国际贸易救济部主任、北京德和衡律师事务所高级合伙人,毕业于中国政法大学,获法学学士学位,美国FORDHAM 大学访问学者。现任中国国际贸易促进委员会专家组专家、陕西省贸促会分会商事法律专家咨询委员会委员、青岛贸促会分会商事法律专家咨询委员会委员。执业专长为贸易摩擦、贸易合规,反倾销、反补贴、保障措施等WTO 法律事务,反垄断、竞争法等。对美国出口合规有着深入的研究,在协助相关企业建立健全合规体系、撰写相应的合规报告与风险提示方面经验丰富。行业涉及大型制造型企业与高新科技企业。对包括国内外反倾销等WTO 法律事务有丰富的经验,熟悉中国国内产业的情况和市场状况,熟悉与反倾销等国际贸易纠纷法律事务相关的会计知识。工作语言为中文和英文。曾代表中国美国商会参与美国对中国301 征税调查听证会并发言。著写中国商务部委托的《钢铁保障措施》课题,负责反补贴措施的整理与研究;参与商务部对《反倾销调查公开信息查阅暂行规则》及《反倾销调查听证会暂行规则》相关法律的修改;著有《反倾销现状》、《“财务制度”对中国企业反倾销的重要性》、《有理有据抗辩反补贴调查》《企业如何应对反倾销归零法》等文章;作为主讲人参加由中国石油和化学工业联合会、中国橡胶工业协会、中国五矿化工进出口商会、橡胶谷集团有限公司联合主办,青岛橡胶谷国际会展有限公司承办的第二届中国(青岛)橡胶工业博览会;2015 世界橡胶论坛暨信息发布会做了《双反下中国轮胎在美生存之道》的主题演讲。

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2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM


A prepayment is required when choosing 'Members only price' or 'Standard Price'.

会员公司 持卡会员本人
Member Price Complimentary
会员公司 非持卡会员本人
Standard Price Complimentary
Standard Price RMB 300
Standard Price RMB 500


AmCham Shanghai YRD Center Suzhou Office

Suzhou International Financial Centre, Room 803-A Building 24 Times Square, Huachi Street
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

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