
8月15日(周二)下午2:00 - 4:00,上海美国商会苏州中心诚邀您参加项目管理中的敏捷领导力分享会。该活动将在苏州尼盛万丽酒店举办




  • 深入解析敏捷思维(Agile mindset)对敏捷行为(Agile behavior)的影响
  • 解析敏捷思维和方法论核心理念、解读将敏捷方法论应用到实际任务挑战的方法,帮助充分地发挥敏捷领导力,即灵活多变的领导风格的技法。
  • 重点深入解析思维的内涵,帮助项目领导完成"自我画像"和"团队画像",挖掘在实际项目中如何让自己的思维敏捷起来,从而提升自我影响力、说服沟通力和领导力。


AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center sincerely invites you to the presentation on Agile Leadership in project management on August 15 (Tuesday), 2:00 - 4-00pm, at the Renaissance Suzhou Hotel.

In the context of the "VUCA" era, which is full of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, leadership needs to be iterated urgently, especially how to break through the inherent mindset, how to adapt to changes and keep pace with the times, which is a matter of concern for every leader who is entrusted with important responsibilities. Agile Leadership (Agile Thinking and Contingent Change Behavior) is the ability to seize the opportunities of the future, focus on business strategy, and solve problems quickly.

Leaders in the digital age should have the ability to be agile in their thinking, as well as be agile, deepen collaboration, make multi-dimensional decisions, value diversity, drive innovation, delegate boldly, lead change, inspire passion, be highly digitally astute, and be adept at handling uncertainty. Leaders must remain agile and consciously and deliberately shift their thinking as the situation demands.

The presentation will cover the following topics:

  • The impact of Agile mindset on Agile behavior.
  • Explanation of the core concepts of Agile mindset and methodology, ways to apply Agile methodology to real-world challenges, and techniques to help maximize Agile Leadership, i.e., a flexible and versatile leadership style.
  • Focusing on in-depth analysis of the connotation of thinking, we will help project leaders to complete the "self-portrait" and "team portrait", and find out how to make their own thinking agile in the actual project, so as to improve self-influence, persuasive communication and leadership.

*The event will be conducted in Chinese.


1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
签到 Check-in
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
主题演讲 Keynote speech
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
问答互动、自由交流 Q&A + Networking


  • Jason Zhu朱宏强 (第五空间学习中心创始人,项目教练 Founder, Program Coach, Fifth Space Learning Center)

    Jason Zhu朱宏强

    第五空间学习中心创始人,项目教练 Founder, Program Coach, Fifth Space Learning Center

    Fifth Space Learning Center Project Coach, founder of Hugh Life Tribe, has over 30 years of experience in corporate practice and related training, consulting, and solutions. He has served as the manager of the project management department, branch general manager, and project director of Fortune 500 telecommunication companies in China.

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Standard Price Complimentary


苏州尼盛万丽酒店2楼 多功能厅3+4厅 Function Room 3+4, 2F, Renaissance Suzhou Hotel

No. 229, Suzhou Avenue West, Suzhou Industrial Park

Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

If you have any questions please contact Ailva Tan

Contact Organizer


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