Event Details

课程目标 Course objectives::

  • 使学员了解项目管理工作涉及各知识领域主要内容及其要求。
  • 掌握项目管理的概念,包括项目启动、项目计划、项目控制、项目执行以及项目收尾。
  • 提高学员在管理方面的技能,使在学员对项目管理原则有深刻的认识,具备对项目进行计划管理、分工管理、费用估算及时间管理等方面的能力。

  • Understand the main contents and knowledge requirements involved in project management.
  • Master the concept of project management, including project initiation, project planning, project control, project implementation and project closure.
  • Improve the management skills of the trainees, have a deep understanding of the project management principles, and build the ability to plan management, division management, cost estimation and time management of the project.
  • Inspire and help project managers to solve common problems in real work.

Session Outline


  1. 项目和项目管理的相关概念
  2. 项目环境的影响
  3. 项目生命周期和项目各阶段的主要活动:项目定义阶段、项目开发阶段、项目实施阶段、项目收尾阶段。
  4. 项目管理需要的管理技能。
  5. 项目管理过程分析
  6. 案例分析和练习

Overview of project management

  1. Relevant concepts of project and project management
  2. Impact of project environment
  3. Project life cycle and main activities of each phase of the project: project definition phase, project development phase, project implementation phase, project closure phase.
  4. Management skills required for project management.
  5. Project management process analysis
  6. Case studies and exercises


  1. 项目启动阶段的主要任务
  2. 项目选择和项目章程的发布
  3. 客户的需求确定
  4. 项目启动会议的召开
  5. 案例分析和练习

Project initiation phase

  1. Main tasks in the project initiation phase
  2. Project selection and issuance of project charter
  3. Customer demand determination
  4. Convening of project kick-off meeting
  5. Case studies and exercises


  1. 项目计划的过程
  2. 项目范围规划
  3. 制定项目进度计划
  4. 制定项目预算
  5. 制定项目人力资源和沟通计划
  6. 如何制定项目管理计划(PMP)
  7. 案例分析和练习

Project planning phase

  1. Process of project planning
  2. Project scope planning
  3. Make project schedule
  4. Make project budget
  5. Make project human resources and communication plan
  6. How to make project management plan (PMP)
  7. Case studies and exercises


  1. 项目风险管理
  2. 变更管理
  3. 项目团队管理和团队建设
  4. 项目的全方位沟通管理
  5. 项目进度和成本控制
  6. 项目质量管理
  7. 案例分析和练习

Implementation and control phase of the project

  1.  Project risk management
  2. Change management
  3. Project team management and team building
  4. Comprehensive communication management of the project
  5. Project schedule and cost control
  6. Project quality management
  7. Case studies and exercises


  1. 项目评价技术绩效的评价、执行绩效的评价、项目目标的实现、客户满意度等
  2. 项目完工会议的召开:
  3. 项目成员评价
  4. 案例分析和练习

 Project closing stage

  1. Evaluation of technical performance, implementation performance, realization of project objectives, customer satisfaction, etc.
  2. Convening of project completion meeting:
  3. Evaluation of project members
  4. Case studies and exercises


  1. 项目经理的角色和职责。
  2. 如何培养项目经理的能力。
  3. 项目经理能力建设的12条原则。
  4. 案例分析和练习

Role and responsibilities of Project Manager

  1. Roles and responsibilities of the project manager.
  2. How to cultivate the ability of project manager.
  3. 12 principles for capacity building of project manager.
  4. Case studies and exercises




  • 微软全球最有价值专家         
  • 20年项目管理经验           
  • 西门子管理学院 签约讲师        

Huibin Zhang

  • Microsoft most valuable professional
  • 20 years of Project management experience
  • Signed lecturer of Siemens school of management


Standard Ticket
Standard Price RMB 1,600