Event Details

The number of shared services centers is growing. Known for delivering efficient and cost-effective business services, these centers are rapidly evolving from 'process shops' to strategic drivers of business value. Today, organizations are beginning to deploy Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to transform shared services. What steps should you take to gain the most benefit from RPA technology?

Digital transformation is radically changing many parts of businesses, but its effect may be most strongly felt in shared services. Not only can the shared service center do more quicker and better, it can redefine the service portfolio it offers the business.

AmCham Shanghai Nanjing Center is pleased to invite you to the inaugural session of the Shared Service Centers Committee (SSCC) Briefing on October 17, 2-5pm at KPMG Delivery Center Nanjing. The event will discuss the role of automation is playing in the SSCs, starting with a general introduction of RPA principles then two case studies on the implementation of RPA in businesses. A panel discussion on best practice and lessons learned when applying RPA is followed.

The SSC Committee serves as a platform for member companies that have SSCs in Nanjing to share best practices and exchange experiences. The Committee hopes that these meetings will help in promoting the healthy growth of the SSC community. Committee members are from Cargill, Celanese, KPMG, Ford, A.O. Smith and Deloitte. The SSC also welcomes others in the sector to join.

For more information, contact Stella Cai at stella.cai@amcham-shanghai.org.




SSC委员会为在南京拥有SSC的成员公司提供一个平台,以交流最佳实践和交流经验。委员会希望这些会议将有助于促进南南合作社区的健康成长。委员会成员来自嘉吉,塞拉尼斯,毕马威,福特,A.O史密斯和德勤。 SSC委员会还欢迎该领域的其他人士加入。



2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Registration & Networking
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
RPA Principles
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Implementation of RPA
3:45 PM - 4:00 PM
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Panel: Best practice and lessons learned in RPA implementation


  • Tony Kong (毕马威全球服务中心合伙人 at KPMG)

    Tony Kong

    毕马威全球服务中心合伙人 at KPMG




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  • 李海伦 (联合创始人 at 鹏鳌企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司)


    联合创始人 at 鹏鳌企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司

    曾任世界五百强企业共享中心运营总监,日本服务外包领军企业中国区负责人,国内知名财税自动化解决方案提供商联合创始人。从2001年开始加入共享服务领域,对共享服务中心的运营、管理以及自动化转型有着深刻的理解和丰富的经验。服务过的企业包括:通用电气、戴尔、埃森哲、软银、KOKUYO、Transcosmos、星巴克、博世、西门子等国际知名企业。擅长利用BPR(业务流程重塑)、Lean(精益化生产)等先进管理方法,将业务流程优化重组后依据业务特性设计开发并导入RPA机器人。现主要面向国内企业全面提供白领机器人(RPA)自动化解决方案。涵盖包括财务、税务、人事、物流、销售、合规管理等众多领域。可根据客户要求为客户提供UI Path、Blue Prism、Automation Anywhere等国内外知名机器人软件的实施导入及咨询。

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Member Ticket
Member Price Complimentary
Member Company Employee
Standard Price RMB 100
Non-Member Ticket
Standard Price RMB 300


KPMG Delivery Center Nanjing

Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

If you have any questions please contact Stella Cai

Contact Organizer

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