
在这个5G发展冲刺、AI浪潮汹涌而来的时代,5G+AI可以赋能千行百业。上海美国商会将于5月30日(星期四)10:00至12:30携手高通和中科创达,在与杭州未来科技城 · 高通中国 · 中科创达联合创新中心举办参观交流活动,带您沉浸式了解和体验5G+AI。

  • This event will be conducted in Chinese 本次活动语言为中文
  • 本次活动地点为杭州,参加者须自行前往,具体地址为:杭州市余杭区文一西路1818-1号,中国(杭州)5G创新园209室
  • 如有问题请联系:jiaqian.lu@amcham-shanghai.org / 6169-3032


10:00-10:30 签到(杭州市余杭区文一西路1818-1号,中国(杭州)5G创新园209室

10:30-11:00 实地参观

11:00-11:30 5G+AI 赋能智能互联的未来 --- 刘晓光 高通公司AI生态负责人

11:30-12:00 AIDC加速行业智能化升级 --- 杨新辉 中科创达人工智能中心副总裁

12:00-12:30 Q&A + 中午简餐

杭州未来科技城• Qualcomm 中国•中科创达联合创新中心暨 Qualcomm AI 创新实验室简介


联合创新中心占地2900平方米,总投入3000余万,内设六大功能区,包括AI 创新实验室、5G射频实验室、5G终端实验室、展示中心和AIoT技术培训中心。依托高通在移动芯片领域技术优势,以中科创达智能操作系统解决方案为工具,重点关注AI和5G双引擎驱动下的万物互联,是一个集5G及智能物联网产品新技术展示、5G相关技术实验测试、5G及智能物联网人才教育培训、创业咨询服务一体的联合创新平台。





In this era of 5G development and the surge of AI, 5G+AI can empower thousands of industries. AmCham Shanghai will join hands with Qualcomm and ThunderSoft on May 30 (Thursday) from 10:00am to 12:30pm to hold a visit and exchange event at the Qualcomm Innovation Center in Hangzhou, to bring you an immersive experience on 5G+AI.

*This event will be conducted in Chinese


10:00-10:30 check-in

10:30-11:00 site visit

11:00-11:30 5G+AI empowers the future of intelligent interconnection

11:30-12:00 AIDC accelerates the intelligent upgrading of industries

12:00-12:30 Q&A + light lunch

"Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City · Qualcomm China · China ThunderSoft Joint Innovation Center and Qualcomm AI Innovation Laboratory" was jointly launched by Zhejiang Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City Management Committee, Qualcomm and ThunderSoft. A new innovation and experimental platform jointly built in December 2020, the Hangzhou Joint Innovation Center promotes industrial development through an operating model supported by local government, led by industry leaders, and operated by industry experts.


A prepayment is required when choosing 'Standard Price'.

Member Ticket

Definition of a Member: You are personally registered as a member and hold a membership card.

Member Price Complimentary
Member Company Employee Ticket
Standard Price Complimentary
Non-Member Ticket
Standard Price RMB 280


Qualcomm Innovation Center

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

If you have any questions please contact Jiaqian Lu

Contact Organizer

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