
PLEASE NOTE: This session will be conducted in Chinese, translation will not be provided.




1. 通过微信捕获商机

2. 微信的活动管理,如邀请、报名、签到、直播、资料下载、活动后期调查等


4. 转发和分发

5. 计算投资回报率

6. CRM整合(Salesforce, Hubspot, SAP, Marketo等)


09:45 Registration & Networking

10:00 Welcome Remarks

10:10 Presentation by Juplus

11:00 Audience Q&A

11:20 Closing Remarks

本次活动由营销委员会副主席Jun Peng主持。

With over 10 million accounts registered, WeChat Official accounts is without doubt one of the most important marketing channels for businesses in China. However according to the report published by Tencent and Penguin Intelligence, only 17% of WeChat users are following company official accounts. WeChat official accounts are not only a content marketing tool for B2B businesses, but more importantly, it can be an ideal lead generation tool for your organization.

This session aims to take you through the leads generation opportunities on WeChat especially for B2B businesses. Sheng will also share success stories of leads generation through WeChat.

Topics to be covered:

1. Leads capture via WeChat

2. Event management on WeChat, e.g. invite, registration, check-in, live streaming, collateral download, post event survey

3. Leads scoring and tracking on WeChat

4. Leads forwarding and distribution

5. Calculating ROI

6. CRM integration (Salesforce, Hubspot, SAP, Marketo etc.)


09:45 Registration & Networking

10:00 Welcome Remarks

10:10 Presentation by Juplus

11:00 Audience Q&A

11:20 Closing Remarks

Jun Peng, the Vice Chair of the Marketing Committee, will host this event.


  • Sheng Pang (CEO of Juplus China)

    Sheng Pang

    CEO of Juplus China

    Sheng Pang is the CEO of Juplus China, a full service digital and tech company focusing on Chinese digital marketing. Juplus has a good track record of helping B2B companies to use digital marketing tools to grow their business in China.

    Sheng has over fifteen years of experience in digital marketing in the UK and China across e-commerce, SEO, SEM and social media marketing. He has a master’s degree in e-Business from University of Warwick, a certified Google AdWords and Analytics professional. He combines extensive digital marketing experience with deep understanding of Chinese digital tools and unique user behavior to help businesses through the digital transformation of marketing and operation, to grow and scale in China.

    He is a public speaker and trainer on WChat for Business, digital leads generation, Chinese e-commerce, Baidu SEO and SEM, digital media buying in China.

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Shanghai, China

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