This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other AmCham Shanghai events.
This forum is reserved for corporate in-house practitioners only and limited to 15 seats only. If your company is involved in this industry or job function area, please e-mail or contact 512-6999-5295 for more details on how to attend.

Who should attend?
  • Finance management practitioners: CFO, finance manager, finance director, finance controller, treasurer, tax manager, finance assistant manager

AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center invites you to join in our monthly Finance Management Forum to be held on Wednesday, May 24 from 14:30-16:30 at our Suzhou Center office. This month, we will have Kelly Guan, Tax Partner and Michael Wang, Senior Manager from Deloitte Suzhou Office facilitate a roundtable discussion on the Tax Collection and Administration regarding Special Tax Adjustment based on the latest China Transfer Pricing Rules.
Key points to be discussed include:
  • The new China Transfer Pricing rules discussion
  • The challenges under the new China Transfer Pricing rules and how the companies should navigate the challenges
  • Transfer pricing case discussion


  • 企业内部财务经理、财务总监、CFO、税务经理、财务助理经理


上海美国商会苏州中心诚邀您参加于524日(星期三)下午14:30-16:30在苏州中心办事处举办的苏州财务管理论坛月度会议。本月,我们将邀请来自德勤华永会计师事务所苏州分所税务合伙人Kelly Guan和税务高级经理Michael Wang就后BEPS时代的中国转让定价发展与特别纳税调整等于参会代表进行圆桌座谈交流。

  • 中国转让定价新规探讨
  • 中国转让定价新规下企业的潜在挑战及应对建议
  • 转让定价案例分享与探讨


AmCham Shanghai YRD Center Suzhou Office
Suzhou International Financial Centre, Room 803-A Building 24 Times Square, Huachi Street
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China


See route

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