
In 2016, the international sphere underwent profound and complex transformations—the state of global economics shifted and hazardous episodes repeatedly occurred. Destabilizing economic effects of the United States' Federal Reserve increasing interest rates and the U.K. leaving the European Union all sent ripples throughout international financial markets. "Black swans" such as these haven't made things look any brighter for 2017, a year in which international financial markets will once again be put to the test. At the same time, in the wake of the quickening pace of globalization and integration, such as "One Belt, One Road", the internationalization of RMB, establishment of experimental free-trade zones, Asian-Pacific financial and economic cooperation as well as other policies, national strategic spheres are gradually expanding. "Bringing in" and "going global" have already become the tunes to which China dances with the global economy and financial internationalization has already become an efficacious driver of economic globalization.

However, the treacherous road to financial internationalization is also strewn with rewards. It begs the questions, how should we respond in the face of such perilous challenges and obstacles? How can Chinese businesses better find a path to global development that best suits the country's own unique characteristics? How can overseas enterprises plan their next moves in accordance with China's national situation?

Peking University's Guanghua School of Management invites financial industry insiders, distinguished figures and experts to take the pulse of the direction of financial internationalization under global transformation.




5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Registration and Networking
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Welcome and Opening


  • Qiao Liu

    Qiao Liu

    Qiao Liu is Professor of Finance and Dean in the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He is a leading authority in finance in China and is recognized for his academic works in corporate finance, financial markets, and the Chinese economy.

    Qiao has published many articles at leading academic journals including the Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Management Science, Journal of Accounting Research, and Economic Journal. He is the author of "Corporate China 2.0: The Great Shakeup" and "Finance in Asia: Institutions, Regulation and Policy." Qiao is the winner of the Distinguished Young Talent Award of the National Science Foundation (2013), and the Ministry of Education “ChangJiang Scholar” Special Term Professor (2014).

    Qiao holds a Ph.D. in economics from UCLA (2000), an MA in international finance from the Graduate School of People's Bank of China (1993), and a BS in Economics and Mathematics from the Renmin University of China (1991).

    刘俏,现任北京大学光华管理学院院长、金融学系教授、博士生导师。他于2013年获得国家自然科学基金杰出青年奖,2014年获教育部长江学者特聘教授。他在公司金融、实证资产定价、市场微观结构和中国经济研究等方面拥有众多著述,发表在《金融经济学期刊》、《金融和数量分析期刊》、《管理科学》、《会计研究期刊》、《经济学期刊》等顶级学术期刊。此外,刘俏教授最近出版的英文书籍包括《Corporate China 2.0: The Great Shakeup》以及《Finance in Asia: Institutions, Regulation and Policy》。刘俏于中国人民大学获得经济应用数学学士学位,于中国人民银行金融研究所获得国际金融硕士学位,并于加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)获得博士学位。

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