Event Details

在当今数字化时代,办公效率和智能化水平成为企业竞争力的关键因素。随着人工智能技术的飞速发展,越来越多的智能工具涌现,为办公模式带来了巨大变革。DeepSeek 作为一款先进的人工智能工具,以其强大的功能和卓越的性能,正逐渐在办公领域崭露头角。它能够帮助办公人员快速处理大量数据、精准生成文案、高效完成报告制作等,极大地提升了办公效率和质量。

上海美国商会杭州中心诚邀您参加2025年3月19日下午1:15至4:30分在德事商务中心举办的《人工智能开启办公智能化时代》分享会,本次活动旨在让参会人深入了解 DeepSeek 的各项功能,学习如何在实际工作中灵活运用,从而在这个智能化办公的时代脱颖而出,为企业创造更大的价值。


  • 人工智能概述与DeepSeek创新
  • DeepSeek在办公中的应用
  1. 数据预处理与智能化分析
  2. 数据的智能处理
  3. DeepSeek助力文案创作与报告制作
  • DeepSeek的API访问技巧与本地化部署


In today's digital era, office efficiency and the level of intelligence have become crucial factors determining an enterprise's competitiveness. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, an increasing number of intelligent tools have emerged, bringing about profound changes to the office model. As an advanced artificial intelligence tool, DeepSeek, with its powerful functions and outstanding performance, is gradually making a mark in the office field. It can assist office workers in quickly processing a large volume of data, precisely generating copywriting, and efficiently completing report preparation, significantly enhancing office efficiency and quality.

AmCham Hangzhou Center cordially invites you to attend the sharing session titled "DeepSeek in Practice: Artificial Intelligence Ushers in an Era of Intelligent Office Work", which will be held at 1.15 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. on March 19, 2025, at the Executive Center, Westlake Meeting Room. The aim of this event is to enable participants to gain an in-depth understanding of the various functions of DeepSeek and learn how to apply them flexibly in practical work, so as to stand out in this era of intelligent office work and create greater value for enterprises.

The contents to be covered in this sharing session are as follows:

  • Overview of Artificial Intelligence and Innovations of DeepSeek
  • Applications of DeepSeek in Office Work
  1. Data Preprocessing and Intelligent Analysis
  2. Intelligent Data Processing
  3. DeepSeek Facilitates Copywriting and Report Preparation
  • API Access Techniques and Local Deployment of DeepSeek

The event will be conducted in Chinese, with English subtitles provided on-site for reference.


1:15 PM - 1:30 PM
Register 签到
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM


  • 白永乾 (微软OFFICE国际认证专家)



    • 10 年企业内训经验, 600 家以上企业内训经验
    • 微软内部员工特约讲师,上海交大外聘讲师
    • 7 年世界五百强公司业务分析师经验
    • 微软 O F F I C E 国际认证专家
    • 微软国际认证教育专家
    • 金山办公最有价值专家

    view more


Member Tickets (会员票)
Member Price Complimentary
Non-Member Tickets (非会员票)
Standard Price RMB 100
Member Company Employee Tickets
Standard Price Complimentary


the Executive Center 德事商务中心西湖会议室

8th Floor, Kerry Center, No. 268 Qingchun Road, Hangzhou.

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

If you have any questions please contact Miranda Wang

Contact Organizer

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