
AmCham Shanghai Nanjing Centercordially invites you to join the Strategic HR – Creating HR Value with Business Algorithms and Logic, on October 29 (Tuesday), from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the WeWork Nanjing (Golden Eagle International Center).

How can HR's value be recognized by the business? Can HR's value be made visible and respected? This salon will demonstrate how Strategic HR can use mathematical thinking and design systematic management logic to make HR value explicit, empowering HR.

Content Outline:

Module 1: HR Value: Is it recognized by the business?

Module 2: Solutions and Mindset Upgrade: HR Is Business!

Module 3: The Composition of HR Business Value: Five Key Elements

Module 4: Defining Visible Carriers of HR Value: Objectives and Deliverables

Module 5: The Crown Jewel: Using Mathematical Thinking to Establish Driving Formulas and Key Drivers

Module 6: Developing a Systematic Execution Plan: Making HR Value Explicit

Module 7: Case Study: Systematic Upgrade of HR Value and the Controllable Future for HR

Summary: HR Holds the Future in Its Own Hands

Participant Takeaways:

- Become a truly strategic HR professional and a strategic advisor to the CEO and top management

- Help the CEO and top management find correct answers for management

- Upgrade your thinking dimensions, make management more practical, and enhance HR's value

- Learn new methods and ideas, laying a foundation for future career development, and securing career stability

- Share practical case analysis and network with other top professionals across industries

GPS-IE© Management Theory:

- GPS-IE© Management Improvement System (Theory) not only helps managers at all levels achieve performance results more effectively, but also assists enterprises to solve pragmatic problems in a truly mathematical, systematic, logical, result-oriented, and sustainable fashion.

- It was developed by Hui Ding and George Limin Gu during the past 15 years, through hundreds of management consulting projects.

上海美国商会南京中心诚邀您参加将于10月29日(星期二)下午2:00 – 5:00 南京WeWork(金鹰国际中心)举办的战略HR——用业务算法和逻辑创造HR价值主题沙龙

HR的价值如何被业务认可? 能否让HR的价值被看见、被尊重? 本沙龙将展示,战略HR如何运用数学思维,设计系统的管理逻辑,使HR价值显性化。











- 成为真正的战略HR,成为老板、高层的战略顾问

- 帮助CEO、高层找到管理的标准的答案

- 升级思考维度,让管理更加落地,让HR更有价值

- 学到新的方法和思路,为未来职业发展打下基础,不再怕被裁员,增加职业保障

- 实践案例分析共享,与更多行业优秀者为伍


- GPS-IE©管理理论是一套创新的管理理论,帮助企业回归管理的规律。

- 是丁晖、顾立民用14年时间、通过各种企业管理咨询项目的实践不断总结、设计和研发的,拥有100%的知识产权。



1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Check in 签到
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Strategic HR – Creating HR Value with Business Algorithms and Logic 战略HR——用业务算法和逻辑创造HR价值
3:30 PM - 3:45 PM
Q&A and Networking 问答互动
3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Workshop: From HR to Strategic HR 主题研讨:从HR到战略HR


  • George Limin Gu顾立民 (President of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI.org); Co-founder of Improvement Consulting 国际绩效改进协会(ISPI)主席、改进咨询联合创始人)

    George Limin Gu顾立民

    President of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI.org); Co-founder of Improvement Consulting 国际绩效改进协会(ISPI)主席、改进咨询联合创始人

    George is a management innovator with over thirty years of working experience in both China and the United States. He specializes in management innovation, performance improvement, talent strategy, corporate university, instructional system design, e-learning, and curriculum development. He has served in various world-class companies such as IBM, Ericsson, HayGroup, and Qwest. He has been the lead on a variety of projects and has various responsibilities in both countries. He also possesses a verifiable track record of creating proven results. He has successfully helped organizations solve capability management problems and brought value to their growth, especially in fast-growing economies.

    Since 2011, George has co-developed with Mr. Hui Ding an innovative management method called “GPS-IE® Management System”. It solves pragmatic problems in a truly mathematical, systematic, logical, result-oriented, and sustainable fashion. In 2018, GPS-IE® became the basis for IPP (International Performance Professional, aka. Management Driver’s License, MDL) and CID (Certified Instructional Designer) certifications, which are both ISPI official credentials. George and Hui also co-authored The Logic of Management in 2017 and Improved in 2021, both in Chinese, on GPS-IE®.

    George is the producer and interviewer of the Training Masters Series (TMS50) from May 2020 – May 2021, interviewing world-class industry leaders, thought leaders, and experts. He also produced TMS China Edition 2021 (TMS China 2021), interviewing talent development leaders from top-notch Chinese companies during Chinese New Year 2021. Since 2011, he has introduced and translated about 4 million words from English to Chinese in learning and development and performance improvement, including masterpieces from ISPI and ATD. George also possesses the record of being the first Chinese to become a Certified Performance Technologist (CPT) jointly by ISPI and ASTD in July 2003.

    George has served on the ISPI board since 2017. In May 2021, he became President-Elect of ISPI (term 2023-2025). Before ISPI, George also served as a board member of IBSTPI between 2011-2017. He is also the main initiator of ISPI the Asia Pacific Center (ISPI-AP). George received the Distinguished Alumni Award from St. Cloud State University in 2012; and the Distinguished Alumni Award from Nankai University in 2019. He is also an adjunct professor at Tianjin Foreign Studies University.

    顾立民是一位管理创新者,在中国和美国都有三十多年的工作经验。他擅长管理创新、绩效改进、人才战略、企业大学、教学系统设计、电子化学习等。他曾服务于 IBM、爱立信、HayGroup 和 Qwest 等多家世界级企业。他在多个项目中担任领导职务,并在两个国家的各种名企担任各种职务,创造了可验证的业绩记录和有目共睹的成果。他曾成功帮助企业解决企业管理、人才发展等问题,并为其发展带来价值,尤其是在快速增长的经济体中。

    自 2011 年以来,顾立民与丁晖先生共同开发了一种创新的管理方法,即 “GPS-IE©管理改进系统”。它更像一个企业管理的“元理论”,以真正数学化、系统化、逻辑化、结果导向和可持续的方式解决实际问题。2018 年,GPS-IE©成为IPP(国际绩效改进师,又称管理驾照,MDL)和 CID(国际课程设计师)认证的基础,这两个认证都是ISPI的官方认证,也是ISPI从1962年成立以来第一次以非美国的方法论为认证基础。顾立民和丁晖还于2017年和2021年在GPS-IE©基础上合著了中文版《管理的逻辑》和《改进》两本书,两书于2023年均被美国国会图书馆永久收藏。

    2020 年 5 月至 2021 年 5 月,顾立民担任《国际培训大咖50谈》(TMS50)的制作人和采访人,采访世界级的人才发展行业带头人、思想领袖和专家。他还制作了《国际培训大咖50谈——新春特辑》中国版 2021(TMS China 2021),在 2021年春节期间采访中国一流企业的人才发展方面的领导人。自 2011 年以来,他介绍并翻译了约 400万字的学习与发展和绩效改进方面的书籍,其中包括ISPI和ATD等专业组织的经典著作。顾立民还是2003年7月获得ISPI和ASTD联合颁发的认证绩效改进专家(CPT)的首位中国人。


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南京市秦淮区汉中路89号金鹰国际中心A座8楼WeWork- 8B会议室

8B,8th Floor WeWork, Tower A, Golden Eagle International Center, No. 89 Hanzhong Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

If you have any questions please contact Ailva Tan

Contact Organizer

+86 51262930200

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