
当今世界,中美两国在科技领域扮演着举足轻重的角色,中、美双方以两国元首重要共识为根本遵循,秉持相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢原则,尊重彼此核心利益和重大关切。基于此,为促进中美两国科技界的对话与合作,增进彼此之间的了解和信任,推动全球科技创新与发展,由上海美国商会、美商亚洲集团、上海段和段律师事务所等单位共同支持发起中美科技沙龙系列活动,该系列活动也获得包括上海市信息安全行业协会、上海对外经贸大学,以及香港美国商会、Tech for Good Asia基金会,还有香港大学公民社会与治理研究中心等海内外机构的支持,是一次非常有意义的产学研模式结合。




14:00: 欢迎演讲

- 上海美国商会会长郑艺

- 美商亚洲集团董事总经理、数位政策共同主席陈澍

- 上海段和段律师事务所高级合伙人孙瑜

14:15: 主题发言 1: 论美国、欧盟和亚太地区对人工智能管治的不同监管方式

- 讲者:美商亚洲集团董事总经理、数位政策共同主席陈澍

14:35: 主题发言 2: 上海临港模式数据跨境与国际数据经济产业介绍

- 讲者: 上海市信息安全行业协会专家长三角数字联盟副秘书长兼特聘专家 宗良

14:55: 产业案例分析

15:15: 专家分组讨论:如何在人工智能技治理与科技创新之间取得平衡?


• 主持人:姚迪(谷歌上海总法务顾问、上海美国商会法务委员会主席)

• Jennifer Chan(Meta大中华区法务长)

• 广东华商(上海)律师事务所律师、高级合伙人、数据合规师彭述刚律师(原上海市委办公厅、信访办官员)

• 上海对外经贸大学教务处副处长、电子商务系主任李医群教授

15:45: 闭幕致辞: 上海段和段律师事务所国际和交流委员会秘书长、兼任《中美科技沙龙》

秘书长 陆怡律师

16:00: 结束




香港美国商会、Tech for Good Asia基金会、香港大学公民社会与治理研究中心、上海市信息安全行业协会,上海对外经贸大学


  • Eric Zheng (President at AmCham Shanghai)

    Eric Zheng

    President at AmCham Shanghai

    Eric Zheng became the President of AmCham Shanghai in 2022. He has been involved in the Chamber for over 15 years as a member, committee leader, Board member, Board treasurer, Board secretary, and Board vice chair, and Board chair (2018 and 2019).

    Eric brings a unique combination of private and public sector experiences to the presidency. He worked in management consulting with PwC in the U.S. and later served for the U.S. Department of Commerce as the principal commercial officer at the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou. Eric had a long career with AIG in Greater China and held a series of positions that culminated in his service as CEO of AIG China. He then chaired the board of Heng An Standard Life Insurance Company.

    In volunteer roles, Eric serves as the Greater China regional chair of the Committee of 100 and as a board director of Shanghai Make-A-Wish Charity Foundation. The Shanghai municipal government has granted Eric its Magnolia Gold Award in recognition of his significant contributions to the city. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Fudan University and an MBA from Georgetown University.

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  • Di Yao (Head of Legal at Google Shanghai)

    Di Yao

    Head of Legal at Google Shanghai

    Mr. Di Yao is Head of Legal in Google’s Shanghai office and Chair of AmCham Shanghai's Legal Committee.

    Before Google, Di worked as Head of Legal and Business Development - APAC for GoPro and Managing Associate at King & Wood Mallesons.

    Di graduated from SISU Law School and received his Master of Laws in Stanford Law School and a Master of Humanitarian Law jointly by Law School of Peking University and Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law.

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  • ZongRichard  (宗良) (秘书长兼特聘专家 at 上海市信息安全行业协会专家长三角数字联盟副)

    ZongRichard (宗良)

    秘书长兼特聘专家 at 上海市信息安全行业协会专家长三角数字联盟副

    - Seasoned Expert of SISA
    - Distinguished Expert of Unitar/CIFAL
    - Committee Member & SH Deputy Secretary of Metaverse Professional Committee of CIAPST (China International Association for Promotion of Science and Technology)
    - Deputy Secretary-general & Distinguished Expert of Digital Alliance of Yangtze River Delata
    - Data Security Expert, Data Security Implementation Review Expert of Cyber Security Association of China
    - Data Security Expert, Cyber Security Expert of CSA GCR
    - Member of Security Special Group of ONO&ONM(One network office and one network management) of SH
    - Author of Security Chapter of 《36 Schemes for DevOps》
    - DPO for EU GDPR
    - Lead or join multiple National Standards, Domain Standards, Local Standards and National/regional/domain dedicated topics (Covering: Cyber Security, Data Security, Data Element, Data Asset, Data Transaction, Smart City, Smart Finance, Smart Energy, Smart Factory, Internet of Vehicles, Vehicle & Cloud & Traffic; and etc.)
    - Relief: Daoism
    - Political: China National Democratic Construction Association
    - More than 22 years, solid knowledge & Experience in digitalization & transformation; Top-level design & strategic planning; Compliance with cyber security law, regulars and standards; software development & testing; Quality & Process; Training & Mentor and etc.
    - Digitalization, Top-level design Sample Customer: State Grid, Bank of Communications, Several telecom provincial companies, Several mobile provincial companies, China Southern Power Grid, SAIC, Chang'an Automobile & etc.
    - Familiar Domains: BFSI (Banking, Finance, Securities, Insurance); Energy, Telecom, Mobile, Government, Medical/Health, Smart City, High Technology and etc.
    - Solid knowledge & experience in business establishment, expanding and enhancement, especially in domain: digitalization, cyber security; process assurance; quality assurance of service/products; trainings;
    - Solid knowledge & experience in PMO (Project Management Office), Process, Quality, Information Security, Operation Management, Service/Project & Resource Management , Systematic Training & Mentor
    - Solid knowledge & experience in cyber security including but not limited to firewalls, application security development & testing, DLP, security management, mentor and training • Strategic & systematic design, budget, implement, operate and improve enterprise internal security/PMO/training structure; organization; service;
    - CMMI (both CMMI-DEV and CMMI SVC), TMMi, ISO 9000/ 9001, 17025, 20000 ,22301, 27001, DevSecOps, P-CMM, SSE-CMM , ISO 26262 & A-SPICE, Six Sigma & Lean Six Sigma, FMEA
    - Highly takes initiatives to seek new challenges

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  • George Chen (Managing Director of The Asia Group)

    George Chen

    Managing Director of The Asia Group

    George Chen is a practitioner/scholar with over two decades of expertise across media, technology, and public policy. A Senior Fellow at the Centre of Civil Society and Governance of The University of Hong Kong (HKU), George co-leads the “Tech for Good Initiative” and teaches “Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Governance” for Master students. Concurrently, George is a Managing Director for Washington DC-headquartered policy consultancy The Asia Group (TAG), advising many Fortune 500 company clients on geopolitics, digital transformation, and regulatory issues. Prior to his roles at the HKU and TAG, he was Meta’s (Facebook) first-ever and most senior policy leader for Greater China, Mongolia, and Central Asia for more than seven years (2016-2023). Earlier in his career, he was in both editorial and management roles at leading media organizations including the South China Morning Post and Reuters.

    In 2014, George was appointed a Yale World Fellow at Yale University in New Haven. In 2022, George was awarded Mongolian President’s “Medal of Friendship” — the highest honour given to foreigners — for his contributions to Mongolia’s IT industry development. George earned his Master of International and Public Affairs (Distinction) with a concentration on the strategic triangle of US-China-Taiwan relations from the HKU and now remains a Doctoral candidate for public administration at the HKU. George has been on the board of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong since 2019.

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  • Jennifer Chan (Director and Associate General Counsel of Meta)

    Jennifer Chan

    Director and Associate General Counsel of Meta

    Seasoned and nimble legal leader with over two decades of experience in a range of industries from natural resources to technology leading tech regulatory, emerging technologies and commercial issues. At present a company director and associate general counsel in Meta’s Asia Pacific legal group, Jennifer established the content and integrity practice for the Asia Pacific region and is also the first head of legal for the Greater China Region. Jennifer sits on both Meta’s Asia Pacific legal group and Greater China Region leadership teams.

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  • Yu Sun (Partner at Duan & Duan Law Firm)

    Yu Sun

    Partner at Duan & Duan Law Firm





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  • Gangshu Peng (Partner at 广东华商(上海)律师事务所律师)

    Gangshu Peng

    Partner at 广东华商(上海)律师事务所律师





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  • Yi Lu (Lead Counsel at Duan & Duan Law Firm)

    Yi Lu

    Lead Counsel at Duan & Duan Law Firm


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AmCham Shanghai Conference Center

27F, Infinitus Tower

No.168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District

Shanghai, China

If you have any questions please contact Kelly Deng

Contact Organizer

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