
AmCham Shanghai's Trade & Investment Center invites you to join our Industrial Park Series: Shenzhen Luohu District, Guangdong Province on June 5 (Wednesday) from 2:30pm to 4:30pm. This event will thoroughly introduce the general situation and industrial layout of Luohu District and explain the region's future development prospects in detail. Attendees will listen to companies' business experiences in Luohu District, have face-to-face talks with leaders from the district, to further understand the region's current foreign investment outlook.


For questions please contact 如有问题请联系:

jiaqian.lu@amcham-shanghai.org / 6169-3032

*This event will be conducted in Chinese.


  • This event opens to management personnel (manager & above) from: modern service industries including finance and insurance, consumption, culture, sports and tourism, real estate, and business services; strategic emerging industries (energy conservation and environmental protection, information, biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, new energy vehicles, etc.).
  • Seats are limited; the American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai reserves the right of final confirmation.
  • 本活动对金融保险、消费、文体旅游、地产、商务服务等现代服务业、战略性新兴产业(节能环保、信息、生物、高端装备制造、新能源、新材料、新能源汽车等)的管理人员(经理及以上级别)开放。
  • 由于名额有限,上海美国商会保留最终确认的权利。


14:30-15:00 Registration

15:00-15:10 Opening Speech

15:10-15:45 Luohu District Promotion & Investment Policy Sharing

15:45-16:00 Tea Break

16:00-16:30 Speech by Corporate Representatives

16:30-16:40 Q&A


14:30-15:00 签到

15:00-15:10 开场致辞

15:10-15:45 政策解读及罗湖投资环境推介

15:45-16:00 茶歇交流

16:00-16:30 企业代表营商心得分享

16:30-16:40 问答环节

About Luohu District:

Luohu District is the first built-up district of Shenzhen, and the birthplace of China's reform and opening-up policy. Luohu is the hub connecting the Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Great Bay Area (GBA), has 3 ports and 2 high-speed rail stations, and is closely connected to Hong Kong economically. Besides its geographical and economic advantages, Luohu District also has high-quality educational and medical resources, and features both natural and urban landscapes. It is the only district on China's list of subdivisions with a GDP exceeding RMB 200 billion whose air quality is comparable to its EU counterparts. In the future, Luohu plans to provide more than 6 million ㎡ of high-quality industrial space through approaches including urban renewal, land preparation, and the upgrading of industrial parks.

罗湖区是深圳的第一个建成区,也中国改革开放的策源地。罗湖是辐射大湾区的"湾区枢纽",拥有3个口岸、2个高铁站,并与香港在地理与经济上紧密相连,区位优势极佳。罗湖区也拥有优质的教育医疗资源, "一半山水一半城",是全国GDP产值2000亿俱乐部唯一空气质量比肩欧盟的城区,不仅宜业也宜居。未来罗湖计划通过城市更新、土地整备工业园区提质增效等方式,提供优质产业空间600+万平方米。

Leading Industries of Luohu:

Financial industry, commerce and trade, business services, strategic emerging industries (energy conservation and environmental protection, information, biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, new energy vehicles, etc.).




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Standard Price Complimentary


AmCham Shanghai Conference Center

27F, Infinitus Tower

No.168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District

Shanghai, China

If you have any questions please contact Jiaqian Lu

Contact Organizer

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