This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other AmCham Shanghai events.

AmCham Shanghai cordially invites you to join our 2022 Shandong Global Cooperation Forum with MNCs in Jinan, Shandong Province on February 10 and 11 (Thursday-Friday).


This is a two-day business forum focusing on high-end equipment manufacturing. Attendees will be meeting with Secretary of Shandong Provincial Committee of the CPC, Governor of Shandong Province, Director General of Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce, and leaders from Department of Industry and Information Technology and officials from 16 different municipal governments.

This is a great opportunity to have face-to-face communication with the highest-level officials from Shandong Province to build strong ties, get first-hand information on policy changes, investment outlook and foreign cooperation.

本活动是一场为期两天的跨国企业高端论坛。与会者将有机会与山东省委书记山东省省长山东省商务厅厅长、工信厅领导及山东省所辖 16 市级领导负责人会面并进行面对面交流,与山东省建立深度联系,并获得最新的政策动向、投资信息及对外合作领域近况。

High-end Equipment Manufacturing industries:

1) Key basic components and basic manufacturing equipment

2) Intelligent manufacturing (including machinery for engineering, agriculture, printing, textile, coal, energy saving and environmental protection, metallurgy)

3) New energy vehicles

4) Ships and marine engineering equipment

5) Rail transit equipment

6) Aerospace

7) Satellite industry

8) Energy equipment


1) 关键基础零部件和基础制造装备

2) 智能制造(包括工程、农业、印刷、纺织、煤炭、节能环保和冶金类机械)

3) 新能源汽车

4) 船舶及海洋工程装备

5) 轨道交通装备

6) 航空航天

7) 卫星产业

8) 能源装备



  • this is a Chinese forum; simultaneous translation will be provided
  • This event is free of charge. Meals, hotel and local transportation are covered by the organizer. Round trip train tickets will be covered by attendees.
  • According to the Shandong Province epidemic prevention and control regulations: 1) all attendees should have a negative nucleic acid test result within 48 hours before arriving in Jinan; 2) this event will require attendees to have onsite nucleic acid testing and relevant data will be collected; 3) attendees should have no history of visiting any mid or high-risk areas within 14 days before the event, and provide health codes and itinerary codes at the event.
  • This event is only open to executive management personnel (MD, GM, VP & above) from the high-end equipment manufacturing industries. All registrations need to be approved by the organizers, and we will sent out a confirmation email after approval
  • Seats are limited; the American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai reserves the right of final confirmation

  • 本次活动语言为中文,提供英文同声传译
  • 本活动免费,包含落地接待,参与者需自行承担往返济南的交通费用
  • 根据山东省疫情防控工作规定:1)参会者须持有到达济南前48小时内的核酸检测阴性证明;2)本次活动将在活动现场设置核酸检测并采集相关数据;3)参会者在活动前 14 天内无中高风险地区旅居史,与会时提供健康码和行程码,做好自我防护
  • 本活动仅对高端装备制造产业的高层管理人员开放(MD, GM, VP及以上级别),报名均需通过审核,审核通过后您将收到确认邮件
  • 由于名额有限,上海美国商会保留最终确认的权利


马鞍山路 2-1
Ji Nan Shi, Shan Dong Sheng, China

See route

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