
突如其来的新冠疫情肆虐,企业维持经营步履维艰。国家乃至地方政府政策纾困、企业断臂自救,在2020年里,全国上下共渡时艰。生活终将继续,艰难的一年也让企业深刻地感受到人力资源成本并不是只有工资薪金支出这简单的一项,这座冰山所隐藏在海平面以下的纷乱,扰动着企业整体的用人支出。"共享用工" 横空出世,是新时代下环节用工成本困局的良药,还是"新瓶装旧酒"的又一次"起名运动"? "灵活用工"甚嚣尘上,表面上是企业用人成本困局突破和个人收益的"双赢",但背后又是几多代价?

The sudden outbreak of the epidemic has made it tough for corporates to maintain their operations. Through the perfection of government policy and strengthening local support could the corporates change its unfavorable condition and tide over the difficulties in 2020, which has also made the companies deeply realize that human resource cost goes beyond wages and salaries. In fact, the chaos hidden behind disturb the overall employment expenditures of the business. Does the emergence of "Shared Labor" turn out to be a good remedy for the labor cost dilemma at present or just like "old wine in new bottle"? In the meanwhile, "Flexible Employment" has drawn public attention and ostensibly it has been a "win-win" of breakthroughs for both companies' employment cost and personal benefits. However, are you aware of its hidden price?

上海美国商会 商贸投资中心特邀人力资源高级专家顾问于3月23 日(周二)14:00 - 16:00,为企业会员带来以年度人资合规与战略为主题的行业趋势复盘与展望,启发企业们在新政变局下的一些思考,"黑天鹅"事件后的应激处理策略,共同思索那些人力资源成本的个中因素。

AmCham Shanghai Trade & Investment Center cordially invites you to attend a SME Series on March 23, Tuesday, from 14:00 to 16:00 at AmCham Shanghai Conference Center. The seminar will focus on review & outlook of annual Human Resources compliance and strategy in 2020 & 2021, inspiring companies to think about the new coup, the stress management strategy with multiple "black swan" events and redefining the key factors of manpower cost.


  • 税优平移收官,亟需适应的工薪收入分配模式新局面
  • 社保舒困终结,社保负担如何影响用人成本
  • 社保税征落地,政府为何又如何竭力谋求提升社保征缴率
  • 灵活用工狂欢,VUCA时代下成本效益和管理效率平衡的新命题
  • 疫情余波未散,如何善用政策破解"稳岗"要求和企业成本间的矛盾
  • 远程办公成势,企业如何做好准备以适应用工远程化电子化趋势

Main Topics

  • the new model of wage income distribution adapted to the new tax laws
  • employment costs flexibility by social security policies
  • the hidden reason why the government manages to raise the social security collection rate
  • a new topic for balanced cost effectiveness and management efficiency in VUCA era
  • making full use of policies to resolve the conflict between the requirement to "limit dismissals" and the enterprise costs under "black swan" events
  • remote & electronic employment trends


  • 14:00 Registration 签到
  • 14:30 Keynote Speech 主旨演讲
  • 16:00 Q&A, Networking 问答,交流


  • Kevin Zhou (Co-founder & Chief Consultant of EMterest Consulting)

    Kevin Zhou

    Co-founder & Chief Consultant of EMterest Consulting

    Over 13 years of human resources legal and compliance consulting experience including over 6 years of experience in human resource outsourcing service risk control and over 5 years of experience in human resource compliance control consulting services.
    Specializing in the field of labor law, offering consulting services to more than 1000 customers in the field of human resources law and compliance control. Consulting services cover the entire process of personnel compliance management and control, which including legal text design, human resources management compliance practice case consultation, labor dispute resolution, staff resettlement plan design and counseling in the process of enterprise shutdown and transfer.

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