
Designing Effective CSR Programs To Connect to Today's Youth

Corporate Social Responsibility goes beyond one-time cash donations. Long-term CSR strategies that encourage employees to actively engage in the community build a healthy corporate culture and image, and promotes a company's value. AmCham Shanghai's Business Council For Social Responsibility is pleased to present a workshop for CSR practitioners on how to develop good CSR projects that meet their internal stakeholders' expectations and engage younger workers. The workshop will take place at 2:00 to 4:00 PM on May 29 at the AmCham Shanghai Conference Center.

During this workshop, CSR managers will discuss how to design and carry out effective CSR programs that go beyond traditional education projects and connect to the younger generation, especially college students. The workshop will answer the following questions:

  • What goals can CSR projects achieve for companies?
  • How to design a CSR project that can be favored and shared by the younger generation?
  • How to transform educational CSR projects for school students in order to meet the win-win situation of corporate goals and social goals?

Who should attend:

  • NGO Representatives
  • HR Specialists
  • CSR Practitioners
  • PR and Marketing Specialists




- 联接年轻一代的CSR项目,究竟可以为企业带来哪些目标的达成?

- 如何设计一个受到年轻群体喜爱和乐于分享的CSR项目?

- 传统面向小学生、初高中生和大学生的教育类CSR项目如何转型,以更符合企业目标和社会目标的共赢?


A: CSR项目服务于企业雇主品牌、校企关系和招聘目标 (CSR + HR)

B: CSR项目服务于企业面向年轻人的品牌或者公关传播目标 (CSR + PR/Marketing)

C: CSR项目服务于企业打造创新和包容的文化(CSR + HR)



2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Check-in & Networking
2:15 PM - 2:20 PM
Welcome and Introduction
Coco Zhang, VP of Communications, Mary Kay China
2:20 PM - 3:20 PM
Group Discussion
Facilitator: Flora Zhang, Corporate Relations Manager, Enactus ChinaGroup A: CSR and Employment (CSR + HR)Group B: CSR and Marketing/Public Relations (CSR + PR) Group C: CSR and Corporate Cu...
Facilitator: Flora Zhang, Corporate Relations Manager, Enactus China
Group A: CSR and Employment (CSR + HR)
Group B: CSR and Marketing/Public Relations (CSR + PR) 
Group C: CSR and Corporate Culture (CSR + HR)
view more
3:20 PM - 4:00 PM
Case Study and Experience Sharing from Guest Speakers
Speakers will share some case studies and experiences in developing CSR programs with/for the younger generation.


  • GL

    Garrison Lu

    Co-founder & CEO of Raleigh China

  • CR

    Cathy Ren

    General Manager at Enactus


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Door Price RMB 250