
Who are the top 100 most valuable Chinese brands? What makes them successful and what kind of corporate strategy drives growth for them in China's highly competitive marketplace?

The Marketing and Media Committee is proud to host this special lunch session on the release of the new 2018 report - Brandz Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands. Get an early look at the much-anticipated 2018 rankings and learn how local brands are positioning for growth in China's fast-changing economy. This session will cover the following areas:
  • How are premium brands and products finding acceptance among the rising middle-class in China that are seeking a higher quality of life.
  • As Tier 1 and 2 cities mature, growth is shifting more inland into China's lower tier cities. How is this affecting the corporate strategies of consumer brands.
  • The rapid evolution of innovation and technology has helped to elevate Brand China. How are local brands using this to expand overseas as they become a more global-oriented organization.
  • The 'New Retail' environment in China is integrating data, logistics and O2O to gain a competitive advantage. What do brands need to know to succeed in this new and constantly evolving retail landscape.
  • How do you ensure you have the right Marketing and Media strategy to reach your Chinese consumers.

Join Paul Lin, Chair of the Marketing and Media Committee, as he hosts this lunch session. You will gain knowledge and insights from Kantar Research's annual BrandZ™ report - the world's largest brand equity analysis and authoritative brand valuation study.


11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Registration & Lunch
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
Presentation on 2018 Brandz Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Companies Lunch
12:45 PM - 1:00 PM
Q & A
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Closing and Networking


  • Jules Young (Global Account Director of Kantar Greater China)

    Jules Young

    Global Account Director of Kantar Greater China

    Jules is a 22-year veteran of the marketing and sales business, spending the first 11 years of her career at P&G, and moving to Kantar in 2007 first in Europe and, since 2011, in China. Her expertise are in identifying the drivers of growth for key brand owners based on unearthing the most business-critical consumer and shopper insights. Brands such as Huawei, Coca-Cola, Arla, GSK, and Samsung have benefited from her consumer and shopper marketing strategies and activations. A keen traveler, Jules has visited 78 countries to date with a goal of getting to 100 by the time she is 50. Jules has a Masters in Social Anthropology from the University of Edinburgh which included a dissertation on how migrants re-created guanxi networks in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone after its initial establishment in 1995.

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