
上海美国商会市场与营销委员会诚邀您参加我们于 2023 年 6月28 日星期三上午 10:00 至 11:00 通过 Zoom举办的有关小红书直播革新品牌策略的网络研讨会。






AmCham Shanghai's Marketing & Media Committee would like to invite you to join us for our Xiaohongshu Live Streaming and Branding on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 10:00 am – 11:00 am via Zoom webinar.

In the modern digital era, social media platforms play a vital role in facilitating communication between brands and consumers, offering limitless possibilities. Among these platforms, Xiaohongshu stands out as the most popular fashion and beauty community in China, making it an ideal platform for brand marketing due to its extensive user base and unique content ecosystem.

To delve into the topic of leveraging Xiaohongshu's live stream feature to empower brands, we are thrilled to invite an exceptional founder from a renowned fashion bag brand as our guest speaker. She will share her inspiring entrepreneurial journey, strategies for brand growth through live streaming on Xiaohongshu, and the latest trends in digital marketing.

By participating in this webinar, you will gain valuable insights into the potential of Xiaohongshu live streaming and be inspired by success stories. Whether you are a brand founder, a marketing professional, or simply an audience member interested in digital marketing, this event offers a distinctive learning opportunity.

Join us in the webinar as we explore how Xiaohongshu's live stream can empower brands and help them thrive in the digital age.


  • Miro Li (Founder of CHINAble Academy)

    Miro Li

    Founder of CHINAble Academy

    Miro Li | 双盈咨询创始人

    毕业于香港三所顶尖大学之一(中大),Miro 的职业生涯始于法国顶尖传播机构,服务了轩尼诗、Atelier Cologne 、格拉苏帝和美高梅等奢侈品牌。

    Miro随后加入了一家中国跨境电子商务公司,负责海外业务拓展。她成功地与本地和海外商 会、政府、贸易组织和机构建立了联系,覆盖香港、美国、英国、法国、德国、日本、韩国等 多个市场。在与数十海外品牌商沟通后,Miro意识到,海外品牌在中国严重缺乏公共资源、实 际支持和透明度,以至于优秀的海外品牌无法成功与中国消费者连结。

    凭借她在公关、营销和跨境电子商务方面的实践知识和超过 8 年的经验,Miro 于 2017 年创立了双盈咨询,旨在为海外公司(无论规模大小)提供诚信而透明的优质服务。截至2020年,她的团队已成功与KIKO、Gucci、Landmark、Drunk Elephant等100多家海外公司合作。

    Miro坚信授人以魚不如授人以渔。为了让外国品牌更深入地了解中国市场和消费者,她于 2019 年创立了 CHINAble Academy,这是一个电子学习平台,为决策者和员工提供有关中国 电子商务和营销的在线课程和网络研讨会。

    Miro 流利使用普通话、粤语和英语,现居深圳。

    Miro is a native Chinese and has been living in Hong Kong for a decade. Graduated from one of the TOP 3 universities in Hong Kong (CUHK), she joined a Chinese eCommerce startup and was in charge of overseas business development.

    In 2017, Miro founded Double V., a consulting company helping overseas brands enter China market from 0 to 1 in e-commerce, branding and marketing.

    In order to help more foreign brands better understand the Chinese market and consumers, Miro founded CHINAble Academy in 2019, a learning platform providing online courses, webinars, and workshops about China's e-commerce and marketing to both executives and employees.

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  • Tracy Zhong (Co-founder and CEO of OLEADA)

    Tracy Zhong

    Co-founder and CEO of OLEADA

    OLEADA is a modern handbag brand shaped by the eyes and hearts of professional women. Prior to founding OLEADA, Tracy was an investment specialist at multiple Bulge Brackets banks including Goldman Sachs, JPM, etc.

    Tracy Zhong,OLEADA联合创始人兼CEO。

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