
Join UBC Sauder Dean Darren Dahl as he shares candid insights in "Leadership: Straight Talk on the Hard Stuff". A following panel of UBC Sauder alumni and industry leaders will then explore leadership in the global expansion of Chinese enterprises. Don't miss this chance to gain insights and network with professionals!
Session 1 | Leadership: Straight Talk on the Hard Stuff领导力:直面硬核,坦诚对话
In any organization, taking a significant role as leader involves both successes and failures. Good learning and professional growth can be defined in both instances. A candid discussion will provide useful takeaways to utilize in your own leadership journey. After three years in the Dean role at UBC Sauder, Darren will give an inside look at lessons learned.
组织领导者的路程总是成功与失败并存,而两者都能助力学习和职业成长。开诚布公的交流能为优秀的领导者提供宝贵经验。在担任 UBC Sauder院长三年后,Darren将分享他的体验与感悟。
Session 2 | GLOCALization in Leadership: Leadership for Chinese Enterprises in the Global Market全球视野下的领导力新思维:直面企业出海挑战的务实对话(本环节以中文呈现)
UBC Sauder 校友及行业领袖嘉宾们将分享他们的经验、挑战及成功策略,共同探讨中国企业全球化背景下的领导力。