
Digital literacy is increasingly essential in today's modern world, but many communities still struggle to receive adequate education due to the lack of necessary digital tools and limited supplies. As such, AmCham Shanghai and Netspring Green IT Programs are working together again on this year's E-waste Recycling Drive. Coinciding with International Earth Day, this annual event aims to collect and refurbish old, unused, and obsolete computers and other electric equipment. The equipment will then be made reusable and donated to schools and communities in need, while also helping us preserve our planet's resources for future generations.
All members and non-members alike are welcome to donate and drop off obsolete and unused computers and electronic equipment on Friday, April 25, 2025, from 10:30am to 4:00pm at the AmCham Shanghai office, where participants will receive a certificate of appreciation.
All electronic items collected will support Netspring Green IT Programs; for more information, please contact them at contact@netspringworld.com. AmCham Shanghai will also hold an E-waste Drive in Suzhou on Tuesday, April 22, 2025.
Items which can be donated:
• Computers, laptops and hard drives (all computers are welcome; those that still have a hard drive and a memory stick would make a greater impact)
• Monitors, keyboards and computer mice
• Printers, scanners and fax machines
• Cables, extension cords, adapters, USB sticks, plugs and wires
• Cameras, mobile phones, etc.
• Other related electronic parts and accessories (except fluorescent tubes containing mercury)
Equipment list & contact information:
Please download the equipment handover list hereand send the completed form to Sky Meng at Sky.meng@amcham-shanghai.org no later than Monday, April 21. Make sure to bring 2 hard copies of the handover list with an official company seal to the AmCham Shanghai office during the event on the drop-off date of April 25. If you wish to receive a certificate, please email Sky with the full name of your company.
Pick-up option:
Netspring can arrange for pick up at your office if the number of electronic equipment you wish to contribute exceeds 30, however, please still submit the equipment handover list to AmCham Shanghai by Monday, April 21, and indicate your contact information.
We look forward to your participation!
About Netspring
Founded in 2012, Netspring is a pioneer social enterprise dedicated to transforming e-waste into e-education. In the past 12 years of collaborating with AmCham Shanghai and sponsors, the Netspring team has provided access to digital technology for more than 78,000 children to benefit from a better education while protecting the environment.
The Netspring team also organizes school volunteering and team-building activities for corporate volunteers and local communities. Besides digital learning and distance teaching initiatives, Netspring actively explored new fields, by collaboration with partners in 2024, Netspring conducted interactive workshops for severely disabled individuals and children with autism, helping them learn skills and integrate into social activities, so as to enhance new possibilities for their future development.

为了响应国际地球日(4月22日),上海美国商会将于4月25日(周五)与汇益泽一同发起年度电子废弃物回收活动,以此作为启动2025年地球日活动的标志。 此次活动旨在收集翻新旧的、未使用的和过时的电脑及其他电子设备, 并捐赠给有需要的学校和社区,同时帮助我们为子孙后代保护地球资源。苏州的活动计划于4月22日举行。
欢迎公司或个人在2025年4月25日(星期五)上午10:30 -下午4:00之间,到访上海美国商会无限极办公室(黄浦区湖滨路168号无限极大厦27楼),定点交接废旧电脑和其他电子产品。所有参与者将在现场获得荣誉证书以兹感谢。
- 台式机,笔记本电脑和硬盘驱动器(任何种类的电脑均可,那些装有硬盘驱动器和记忆卡的计算机也可为社会带来可持续的影响)
- 显示器,键盘和鼠标
- 打印机,扫描仪和传真机
- 电缆,延长线,适配器,USB,插头和电线
- 相机,手机等
- 其他相关零件和配件(含汞的荧光灯管除外)
在您注册活动之后,请在这里下载设备交接清单。请您在4月21日(星期一)之前将此清单发送至Sky Meng at Sky.meng@amcham-shanghai.org,并携带2份纸质版交接清单(若需要加盖公章请带着加盖公章的版本)到4月25日的活动现场。如果您希望获得荣誉证书,请提前在电子邮件中注明公司全称。